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Build Thread My Traxxas XO-1 V1 Build Thread

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Id rather spend the extra money on the better electronics. Not a fan of Traxxas RTR electronics. :)
I agree even though the stock XO-1 comes with a Castle Mamba Monster 2 but it has an extra cap bank soldered on it, Traxxas connectors that in my opinion aren't rated for high current draw runs and special firmware designed specially for the stock TQI radio which comes with the bluetooth module right out of the box. I bought my car off eBay from a seller called Cash4RC they used to have brand new V2 XO-1 rollers available but i think they are currently sold out. But keep an eye on their eBay page they might get more in stock someday. If you can afford it and know how to build and set it up a new roller wouldn't be a bad choice and you can choose whichever 1\8 - 1\6 esc and motor combo you want i would recommend a Max 6 G2\4990 1,650kv or MMX 8s\1717 1,650kv combo to put in yours if chose that route.
Hi everyone, How's it going? Last night i started thinking about buying a brand new V2 XO-1 and either selling or stripping my old XO-1 for parts since it would cost quite a bit to make my XO-1 a solid speedrunner in the setup it currently has. My car currently has the Generation 1 Hobbywing Max 6 1,650kv 4985 combo and i was thinking about if i kept my car and didn't buy the new one i would buy either a Castle MMX8s\Sensored 1717 1,650kv combo as well as all the V2 parts to convert mine into a new V2. So let me know what i should go for either way is expensive but from what i've gathered building mine would be cheaper than all new one.
Hi everyone on the forums, How was your new years day 2k24? I've been busy these past few weeks doing RC stuff especially to my XO-1 here's some pics.

I cleaned the body with rubbing alcohol and put on some stickers i had lying around even if the car doesn't run those brand of parts or electronics. I thought it would be fun to put them on anyways.

She's still running the Hobbywing Max 6 G1\4985SL 1,650kv combo i bought earlier last year but she is running new battery straps from Apex RC they are 20mm x 500mm i bought from Amazon and i drilled 2 holes in the receiver box lid for my R8FG V2.1 receiver's 2 antennas to stick out.

Future Plans for this year: I want to see if i can get my beloved XO-1 V1 up to 100mph with her current setup when i find he appropriate area to run at that speed and when spring comes around. If i can't then she will get the V2 model updates, a Castle MMX8s\1717 1,650kv combo and a few other upgrades for either looks or performance upgrades to help her reach that elusive 100+mph club in the RC World\Community. Cheers for the new year and i hope you all have a great night, Bye for now.
Had a great day with my XO-1 which i now call Serena like the Pokegirl from the Pokemon franchise as a part of a big rebuild, Upgrade, Restoration and Update project i have planned for this spring and early summer. After i replaced the glitchy Radiolink R8FG receiver with a brand new, Put some brand new Perfect Pass QS8-S V2 connectors on the existing Max 6 G1\4985SL 1,650kv combo since i decided for the time being instead of dropping $400 on a brand new MMX8s\1717 1,650kv combo.

I did some street bash and some practice speed passes even though she's not yet ready for high speed passes she needs some repairs after a light crash that happened last year. I also plan to convert to a V2 spec XO-1 with the new aero chassis pieces and a new V2 clear body plan to paint her Burgundy Red like the first release XO-1 bodies they sold back in 2012. She will also get new tires since the tire i have are almost a year old and coming off the rims.

As you can see she's running the batteries i got for my birthday this year also with the QS8 V2's soldered on to them in series configuration which to me looks and feels cleaner and also being "600A" capable connectors although i watched a video where a guy took those connectors all the way up to 1000A for a few seconds and they didn't melt off the wire. I will also make some platform updates and tuning changes like Revo springs Blue rear and Silver front and new diff fluid front and rear the stock 100k front and 50k rear. I know it's been awhile but things have been really busy for me in life stuff, RC stuff and have plans to do play some more mature video games like grand theft auto IV, V and Far Cry 6. See you all on the next post bye for now.
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How's it going everyone? I know it's been awhile since i did something RC related but my last outing with my XO-1 Called Serena broke her front bulkhead from a small crash and it took a month to figure out what i wanted to do. All the sudden the Castle MMX8s\1717 1,650kv combo went on sale on Amazon for $276 i decided to bite the bullet and do the Castle system but i also bought a new Bulkhead from Dollar Hobbyz for $10 and i got her all back together and up and running again tonight. I need a full run with the the new Castle system to see if it performs any better than my old Max6 G1 combo maybe sometime this week or next.
Hi everyone, How's it going? Today this afternoon i ran my XO-1 called Serena with her new Castle MMX8s\1717 1,650kv combo on 6s and she was so much fun and could drift somewhat as well as be super fast. still need to get a GPS speed meter like a bicycle GPS or a proper RC speed meter like a GNSS bluetooth GPS that links to an android or IOS phone.

Here's an after run pic with the RC8X and the Batteries i used to run her on 6s she got over 30+ minute runtime Blasting and Speeding around my neighborhood running a 20t pinion and a 46 tooth spur both steel. And she ran mostly cool ESC got up to 115 F and motor got up to 140 F on a 72 to 73 F day in the afternoon. Hope you all have a great afternoon and evening goodbye for now.
How's it going everyone? Happy April Fools and 1st of April, i haven't done anything RC in awhile since i tore down Serena to service her diffs and to clean her up
from her last run were i finally blew one of my stock rear tires. Then i put my spare Arrma hoons that she had in the very first post i did back before she was called Serena when i first bought her as a brand new eBay roller in July 2022. She drifted better on the hoons then the stock tires but she rides lower and was geared down from running smaller tires. She'll back up and running in the new couple of weeks since i'm waiting for my next paycheck so i can buy the parts, grease and oil i need to get before i can finish her. After that i'm not sure what else to do with her upgrade wise yet.
Here's some more pics and documentary of my XO-1 Serena apart as i still wait to get paid so i can order what i need If you're wondering what i need is a diff gasket for the front diff since the original ripped when i took the front diff apart. i also need 100k diff fluid for the front diff and finally some sort of diff lube or grease i was thinking about getting some Cow RC udder butter or some Lucas oil white lithium grease which i found on Amazon for $6 as an 8oz vs 2.5oz Cow RC for $13 tell me which one should i get.

Here's the chassis by itself with all the electronics and center driveshaft, gears and cush drive. A little idea i have that's sort of haunting me is getting a stock Traxxas\Castle "Big Block" 1,650kv motor but right now there kind of hard to find just the motor not with the ESC that's all i can find on eBay right now. But i still think the newer Castle Sensored 1717 that i already have is a far superior motor but i like the look of the Black can of the stock motor in this car better than the green can of the sensored motor i already have. Let me know in the comments if you think i'm stupid for wanting the stock motor back when i already have a better sensored version already in the car.

Here's some of her screws and the stock shocks which i just topped off and re blead this morning i might replace the stock springs with Blue and Sliver Revo type springs i saw a Youtube channel called Rhouse21 RC Physics back when he built his personal XO-1 he named Serly.

Here's some front and clip pictures of them taken apart you can also see the blown out rear tire i mentioned from my last post. That's all for now as i mentioned i'm still waiting to get paid before can continue working on her and get her all put back together after this should be the last time i have her apart like this for a long time the way i'm imagining her when i get her back up and running she'll be like a brand new or recently refurbished car. Bye for now.
As much as I like Lucas products, I wouldn't use white lithium on diff gears. it's too thin and won't do a very good job of lubricating the ring and pinion. Go with any plastic safe bearing grease.

I can appreciate esthetics so I don't think your 'stupid' for liking the look of the factory motor. Maybe a little silly, but not stupid. You just haven't learned to appreciate that beautiful castle green yet. Give it time, it grows on you
As much as I like Lucas products, I wouldn't use white lithium on diff gears. it's too thin and won't do a very good job of lubricating the ring and pinion. Go with any plastic safe bearing grease.

I can appreciate esthetics so I don't think your 'stupid' for liking the look of the factory motor. Maybe a little silly, but not stupid. You just haven't learned to appreciate that beautiful castle green yet. Give it time, it grows on you
That's been a reason I have not bought Castle motors for a few of my builds. I like green, but their motors clash for so many of my projects. I wish they'd do away with that stupid green anodize.
Did you see the new castle orange cans? I think it's even uglier than the green. All the motors they made for traxxas are black. I wish they woulda stuck with that.
No, not seen those. Yeah, black would be best. Goes with any color.
As much as I like Lucas products, I wouldn't use white lithium on diff gears. it's too thin and won't do a very good job of lubricating the ring and pinion. Go with any plastic safe bearing grease.

I can appreciate esthetics so I don't think your 'stupid' for liking the look of the factory motor. Maybe a little silly, but not stupid. You just haven't learned to appreciate that beautiful castle green yet. Give it time, it grows on you
Thanks for the info, I tried some silicone grease i had lying around an the gears feel better and are not as noisy although i tore yet another diff gasket so it will be a awhile before i get my car running again. Also my stock rear ring and pinion for some odd reason were binding in the diff case even when lubed so i tried a good set of stock slash 4x4 diff ring and pinion since they're the same ones and it worked better. I wont know for sure until i get the parts and run the car, Also i know i'm not stupid for liking the look of the stock motor although it is sort of mechanically equivalent to the sensored 1717 i already have just not sensored.
How's it going everyone on the forums? It's been a day since i last posted since i had a seizure in my upstairs bathroom Wednesday night and woke up in the OKC Integris hospital Thursday morning i spent the morning there and was discharged at almost 12:30 pm then my dad got me, him and my step brother lunch as raising cane's chicken and soda. Updates for my XO-1 i just ordered the parts i need to fix it and i'm getting ready to order the grease i need. I was thinking about this stuff here
Glad you're feeling better :thumbs-up:. I've started to use Super Lube on my rc's. It's some great grease but I haven't tried it on my ring and pinions yet.
Thank you i also had a refreshing shower and listening to El DeBarge's Who's Johnny from Short Circuit (1986 live action movie) i'm also in a good mood Looking at Pokegirl pictures.
Another update, Still haven't gotten her back up and running but i have made some plans moving forward as well as some adjustments to my current setup from advice i found online and YouTube. Here i trimmed the rear of my current body out to let air that is trapped in the body at high speed escape.

You see here i trimmed the back of the body out to aid in high speed stability and this will be my dedicated speedrun body and i will buy another new V2 body and paint it like the stock metallic red that the first 2012 release XO-1's were. Like this one from 2012.

Picture credit: Competition X

I just got my super-lube grease in today and before i went to Integris for my Wednesday seizure i took some brake cleaner and cleaned the diff housings, Diff gears and diff internals so it's all ready for reassembling the diffs, putting my new fluid in the diffs 30k (upgraded from 10k) rear and 100k front then use my new grease and finally reassemble the car this Wednesday when i get my amain order in after that i will test run her and see how she'll perform. I bet she'll perform even better than a brand new car with that Castle MMX8s\1717 1,650KV Sensored combo and fresh rear tires. Next up will be new front tires and the new body as well as a GNSS GPS speedometer after that i think i'll drive her awhile move on into my next big project. Can you guess what it'll be? It'll be another on road car and i already thought of a name for the next new project. Update: My grease came in i already used on my Slash 4x4 Ultimate and it works fantastic. That's all for now.
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