Personnally I think the XTM is a big POS. The 24.7 engine is a joke, you can get more hp out of a .21 engine and have way better quality. As for the buggy itself, if you plan on racing, or running at a track, its not worth it. I talked to a guy who ran one and broke both front suspension arms when he landed off of the jump at our local track funny. This jump is not that big, I've messed up on it many times with my mugen and put less than a scratch on it. He was breaking things to easy so he got rid of it within a week of buying the buggy. All these higher output big-block engines are just a joke, like the ofna .25 or whatever, and now this 24.7. Not only can you get a way faster engine, but the quality in these new big blocks is just not there. Look at the price, you truly get what you pay for in RC. My mugen was quite expensive, but I can't break it, and believe me i've tried. If you want somthing fast and high quality your just gonna have to dish out the dough in 1/8th scale racing. Dago storm, your storm rtr is more than capable of keeping up with the fastest of buggies. You just need a few key hop-ups. First and most important is the engine. Instead of getting a whole new buggy why not improve upon your storm. I can tell you this, the GS storm is 100 times better than the XTM xterminator.