No more super size menu at McDonalds

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Well WoodiE... If they have to put a warning on the coffee cup that says "Hey! This is hot! Don't pour it on your genitalia!" then they should have similar warnings for all the other potential hazards that may exist.
I'm going to carry a warning next time I go into McDs that reads:

"Don't fiddlesticks Up my order or I'll Kick Your ASS"

My wife and I were in a McDs today actually. This litte bitch that took our order forgot to give me my $10 change. The total was $10.23, I give her $20.25, she hands me back two frickin cents!!! Pay attention and learn a little math for heaven's sake!!!
Well, you really have a big problem with supersize people. McDonalds hamburguers are really adictive, I gave up eating them weekly 3 years ago, now I just eat them 4 or 5 times a year, usually when I'm in the US
The problem is that the pansy ass people in the F-ing country of ours are too damn ignorant and unwilling to take responsibility for their f-ing actions. There is nothing that McDonalds has ever done that FORCES someone to eat their food. Its Fried, Its loaded with salt and preservatives, its NOT healthy food so if you eat it anyway you DESERV to get fat! I am ALL in favor of George Carlins theories on the pussification of our nation. There was a time that when you messed up as a kid, not only did the person who saw you give you a good slap, but so did any neighbor who saw you and when you got home you got it AGAIN. You learned not to mess up and that certain actions have dire consequenses. This BULLSh--- of protecting our kids to the point that they think they can get away with anything is causing a whole generation of F-Ups that blame everything they do on everyone else in the country. Thats why alcoholism and drug addiction are called "diseases" now. They are not f-ing diseases! They are habits. If you can't control yourself thats not MY problem, its not the liqour companies problem its not McDonalds problem. The a-holes out there that try to blame and sue and point fingers should get a big ass dose of SHUT THE F UP and go sit in the corner of their tiny little worlds and wave as the world passes them by. F-them and F-you if you subscribe to the whole ..."its not my fault" theories!!!!!
You guys never cease to amaze me with the articles you find especially msly haha. Keep em coming
Originally posted by SkYLiNe RaCeR

LOL! The truth of the matter is, When I lived in Chicago this Big Mac guy was on a local radio station, at that time(5 years ago) this guy was eating two a day! The radio DJ asked him what he did on Thanksgiving day, I about poop a big mac when he said, My wife goes to Mc'Ds the day before and puts them in the fridge for me, I eat them around noon, we always have our traditional turkey dinner around four oclock! The real kicker is, Mcdonalds has sent him all sorts of offers for comercials and he turns them down, he says he just likes his big macs! Dont worry Sly! Not stealing your job,Everytime I see something about McD's I think of this guy! Did a search and wanted to share! Cya!
i am screwed all the mcd's around my house are also taking away the dollor menu.BRING BACK THE MENU!BRING BACK THE MENMU!
Originally posted by nitroking
i am screwed all the mcd's around my house are also taking away the dollor menu.BRING BACK THE MENU!BRING BACK THE MENMU!
I'm eating 2 Mc Chickens as we speak and I love them you know why? $2.16 thats all I payed and i love it.
Originally posted by gutterboy
Actually all you get in super size is a bigger drink, they always stiff you on the fries. Burger King is better, flame broiled baby.
Gimme that fried greasy burger and day over a piece of charcol.