Playground respect.

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Napa, CA
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A few days ago a kid tripped my son (he is 7) on purpose at school. He fell and skinned his knee.

He came home and talked about it and my wife said he should tell yard duty the next time it happens.

That is no way to earn playground respect. After the wife left the room, I told him that if the kid does it again, he should knock him on his ass.

Yesterday the kid did it again and my son did as he was instructed and shoved the kid to the ground. The kid got up crying and ran off.

My son was pleased and only had to stay in class during last recess as punishment since the other kid went crying to yard duty.

Some people may not advocate violence, but when poop like this happens, you just need to bring it sometimes.
True, true. Telling the teacher or some other BS like that only gets you picked on more and more. It's better for him to take care of it now before it gets serious.
You should have instructed him to have a little one on one with the kid while he was down. "Tell the Yard Teacher and your ass is mine"

It’s all about balance but you as a well grounded person know that. Need to make sure he doesn’t get any kind of a power trip out of revenge and look at it as a lesson well taught.

School yard bullies need to be dealt with using equal or more force. This is the only thing they understand. :2cents:
I would have preferred a swift kick in the nuts as a reaction to the bully but shoving works too. Nice job with the teaching lesson Dad.
Had to do the same thing with my son earlier this year. He started pushing back a little too much but we took care of that asap and now harmony is restored and all is good in the world again.
good job. I'm sure the minor punishment was worth watching the other start crying.:hehe:
Rob, man you are my new hero...I'm sick of hearing parents tell their kids to rely on someone else to serve the payback....
I told my daughter, the only time I will punish her for fighting is if she throws the first punch......I figured that was fair....last night she learned to throw elbows on the inside...:D god help the kids she gets on....
Ahhhh... the playground bully. Good going on the recommendation to rough him up a bit... Can't let them think he's a tattle-tale & a sissy!!! :banana:
just make sure he doesn't become the bully now.
Way to be. My dads told me the same thing. In like 7th grade I like this one chick and me and her were about to become a "Thing". Till this one dude who liked her found out. He came to me and told me if I became her "Boyfriend" he was going to kick my ass. Normally I was never the kid to backdown from a fight but I've seen this kid woop ass before and was told he was in boxing, so this one I was a little nervous. So I came home and asked my dad what he thought I should do. He asked me if I liked the girl, and I told him yeah, thats why I want her as my gf. So he said "well, your gonna have to fight this kid then. She isnt going to respect you if you wont even stand up for her". So the next day I went ask the girl out (She said yeah) and then went and told the kid the good news. He told me to meet him after school and we'd fight. So after school came and the dude never showed up. So the next day feeling like I had a pair, I called the kid a female pee pee and called him a few other choice words, and suprisingly he didnt beat my ass. He just kinda scampered away..

Anyway.. Standing up against the grain sometimes is what builds respect. So I commend ya brother man!
sweetdiesel said:
I would have preferred a swift kick in the nuts as a reaction to the bully but shoving works too. Nice job with the teaching lesson Dad.

I was thinking the same A foot to the nads.

I get the same thing all the time at work (law enforcement). I get grown men crying to me because they got their ass whooped and now they want to file charges. I take the report and usually don't do anything about it. I never here from the complainant again so it most not be that important. I have even told people that if so and so keeps doing this or that, kick their ass.

You can believe that my son, due in 7 weeks, will NOT be a playground female pee pee. He won't be a bully either, but he will stand up for himself.

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