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How is this stupid? Either the tooth comes out or the string falls off. I'm sure they didn't try pulling a tooth that wasn't lose enough to come out this way. I can't imagine the kid didn't have fun as well. Lighten up dude...

I'm surpsrised you didn't cry foul for scaring the crap out of the cat as well NCNitro. That was just as good, if not better than the tooth coming out.
It's stupid because if that tooth is only loose but not ready to come out they can cause her either a tremendous amount of pain, or do damage to her gums. If you would do that to your kid than re-read my first post. I stand by my first statement, stupid irresponsible parents, period.
Oh my god, lighten up both of you. They didn't strap a scud missle to her head! It's clear from the video that the kid was not leary of the prospect of having her tooth pulled this way and that she was not in fear of excessive pain or any pain at all. How you think these are bad parents is just plain crazy and a wild, unjustified rush to judgement.
Sorry, I don't need to lighten up, you need to grow up if you think that is good parenting.

I would never even think of doing that to either one of my sons.
I totally agree With Nitro Thats just wrong. How could anyone be that ignorant to the dangers of that? Not only should those parents have an ass kicking but something should be done. I can honestly say being a parent something like that would never cross my mind. this is a sad world we live in but even more so when ppl think pure stupidity and endangering someone or a childs wellbeing is amusing.
Wow. Unless you guys already work there, you need to find a job with OSHA. Once again, get over yourselves! Take the stick out for crying out loud!

And, to anyone who thinks I'm nuts for thinking that THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS VIDEO OR THESE PARENTS, here's just a few of the other POSITIVE comments from Youtube about the video:

kid's gonna grow up having a great life. good parents with a sense of humor and making tooth pulling fun for the kid. good job!

Kids are soooooooo adorable sometimes !! Loved it !!!
Thanks for the share hun !
Much appreciated ! You always find the best vids of the Tube !

Great story, great vid, great family! :)

You guys are AWESOME.

heh, thats one cute girl :)
way to go with rc mom and dad!

LOL!!!! Thats great! She's a cutie!..

My Dad just yanked mine out with a pair of pliers.....

Lighten up, man. Does it look like there is anything short of love in this family? Get a life.

lol lighten up man. this was hilarious

wow, listen to that little girl cry and scream in pain and fighting to run away from her evil and malicious parents, who only keep her around as a plaything to torture at there whim.
someone should get her out of there before she becomes the next baby P


Great idea ! That put the kid's attention on car's jump and all the noises and scared cat and board's tilt and the falling car. The little kid doesn't feel any pain, and she also thinks it was funny. You're genius, congratulations !

We're all children on this planet!
Well done daddy, you solve the 'problem' with a high-tech solution, and yet, in a kid's playful way!
Here goes one more for the Tooth Fairy!
The cat is the only one with a reason to complain about it
Lol ! B-D

This is such a good idea. Take the childs mind off the problem and make it fun! My dad just used to tie our teeth to the door knob and slam the door. A lot worse!

The parents did a great job. My father did it by binding it to the doorknob. And so do the majority. Kidteeth are easy to pull out and this is a nice way to do it...

Supercool! My dad did the trick with boring door :)

I don't understand the people who think this is "unresponsible". It has to get out anyway, so what's the harm in doing it in a fun way for the kid?
Wow, those parents have problems, hopefully she doesn't get gum problems in the long run..
The only thing those responses prove is that there are more stupid asses out there that find this type of thing humorous.

I also noticed you did NOT post the replies against such a stupid act.
parents like that shouldn't have kids and as Nitro said he couldn't imagine doing that to one of his sons, i feel the same way about it, i have a daughter that i could never hurt on purpose(even know the girl doesn't' look like shes in pain) my point is, doing stuff like that to a child is just plain wrong, let the D*mn tooth fall out on its own, dont force it out
I know at least one person is behind me on this (NITRO) i hope more people get on board
You guys are wasting your time...

Come on guys, you see very well that he does want to snap out of it, stop respondin to him, cuz thats what he wants. Let concentrate on people that really needs are help...no?:\
Yeah, you're the people that need help. Look up the term Bump on a Log and they'll be a picture of all of you on that page of the Urban Dictionary. You must live boring, uneventful lives to think that this was a bad thing to do. Get out more! Eat something different every once in a while. Something. Whatever it is, do it fast...please!
I'm with NCNitro and revo rob on this one. i may only be 13 years old but i would never let me dad or mom do that to me, when my tooth wants to fall out it will, i have never forced one of mine out, because well one, it usually hurt too much when you even just touch it a bit! so me, I'm with NC and Rob!
Blah Blah Blah, a bunch of babies you all are. I'd love to see the child and protective services worker laugh out loud at you after you express your "parenting" concerns to them about these people on the video. I'm good friends with a social worker who passes on what good parenting is for a living. That's exactly what she did when she watched the video...Laughed out loud. Sorry guys, you're in the minority here...for good reason.
I see, we are the babies, yet it's you resorting to name calling. I don't see anyone other than you defending these parents of the year. How many kids die, or are hurt each year as a result of social workers not doing their job? Maybe your friend should find a new line of work if she thought that was funny.
you see even a 13 year old kid (no offense NitroRC4Life) sees that, that was just wrong, what does that tell you??????
I ageed earlier you guys forgots about me :(. But yea I think we are just fueling his ignorance...
I ageed earlier you guys forgots about me :(. But yea I think we are just fueling his ignorance...
sorry bro we didn't forget about you, it just the stupidity of people that makes us lose track of stuff, sorry man, and to thinks that this is funny, i wasn't apologizing to you

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