Post Up Your Most Recent "DUH" Moment!

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Lakeland, Florida
RC Driving Style
  1. Bashing
So I'm getting back into the hobby after a two year hiatus while I built a Cobra replica and just had more work than I could deal with at the office. Anyway, I dug my HPI MT2 out of cold storage and proceeded to try and get it running. So I put fresh bats in everything, check the servos and radio, filled the fuel tank and shoved the Roto-Start in the T-15's back side.

She lit right up and settled into a nice idle. I grabbed some throttle and, while the engine revved up cleanly (so I thought) the truck barely moved. I thought maybe the clutch shoes were stuck or perhaps the slipper backed off or even deteriorated in storage. I proceeded to break the truck down, pull the slipper out (it was fine), pull the clutch bell (it was fine), inspect the clutch shoes and springs (they were fine) and didn't see anything out of place so screwed it all back together.

I fired it up again and still no change. So, I finally reset the needles and started it up again and STILL no change, matter of fact it idled worse and was spraying fuel everywhere it was so pig rich. So I started leaning it out, first an 1/8th of a turn, and then started just cranking the screw in. It finally cleared out and started hauling ass. My "DUH" moment? Forgetting just how much Florida weather (heat and humidity) effects the way these things run!

So, let's hear your "DUH" moments! Leave the pipe plug in place trying to crank your engine over? Put the clutch shoes in backwards? Or maybe you forgot the window masks on your first paintjob (all DUH moments of mine in the past I have to sadly admit)...

So, lets share in my pain (or stupidity, I guess it depends upon which side of the fence you're on!):hehe:

Cool thread man. I got one. Not that big a deal but it was pretty "duh" related. I tore the Tmaxx down as I had to replace the rear diff. (stripped it out). Anyway, upon putting it back together I was kinda hurrying. My buddy text me and said "you ready?" Couple more turns of the hex wrench and good to go. Out the door I went for yet again another bash session. Upon entering our local bash spot, we were psyched. Ready to tear up some dirt. Went through the usual routine, fueled up, all batts charged, put the ole ignitor in, and......Wtf??? I put my rear shock tower on backwards. The ez start hole was not visible. So, instead of ripping it apart it the field, I let the ez start wires hang freely and commenced to bashing the hell out of her. Kind of a "duh" moment. Next time ill remember which way that goes on......cheers!
Not a nitro "duh" but I've solder male deans on my esc and then male deans onto a battery countless times. I even did it once, unsoldered it, turned right around and did it again.
well i almost had an OH F*** moment, but it turned out ok, LUCKILY!! my duhh moment was this past sunday at the track, i put the red lead and black lead in backwards into my $100 2s LiPo before practice, plugged it into the esc and both red wires sparked and burnt my fingers a little bit. The ESC and battery got very hot very quickly, almost instantly!! I took the pack out and got it away from people as I though it was about to explode!!

I sat in disbelief that I just lost $100!!!! I almost cried because I'm 14 and i had to work to get that darn pack, a few minutes later, we got the voltage tester out and thoroughly tested it to find it was just fine!! OMG my hurt was like fweeww, what a reliever!

We soldered the red wires back on, charged the pack up, and went to run..

I noticed my front right tire was a little wobbly, hmmm.. Take the wheel off, and inspect it. NO SCREW UNDER THE CASTOR BLOCK TO HOLD THE C-HUB IN PLACE!!! So i went into my LHS, they looked for one, DONT HAVE IT!! omg, now I'm screwed. can't race because my wheel is all over the place, we took apart like half the truck to try and fix it, then stripped out 3 screws. Ended up missing the first race, and took 3rd in the a-main and second qualifier!

What a day!!
i never thought a fail safe was needed ,,,DUH,,, i was in the carpark, fired the beast up, few figure of eights to warm her up and then squeezed the life out of the throttle and watched it eat up the tarmac,,,,,,,,, and not stop!!! my DUH moment was not putting the aerial up on the transmitter. :doh: :bowtothercnt:
Not a nitro "duh" but I've solder male deans on my esc and then male deans onto a battery countless times. I even did it once, unsoldered it, turned right around and did it again.

You are not the only one to have done this.
The really scary part guys? All of our user info says "experienced" or "R/C guru"!!! LOL :yes:

Winsta, LOVED the post. I think I did that once, but DID have a Ofna failsafe on my RS4 Evo when it happened!

Keep 'em coming everyone, I know we ALL having something we're shy to admit. One of those things where you stop and look around to see if anyone noticed you just do whatever stupid thing you just did (like when I backed into my son's parked car behind me last week and KNEW it was there in the driveway!) :censored:

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I tore down my Ofna Jammin' CRT and rebuilt the diffs. Filled them back up shimmed them to perfection. Best job I had ever done shimming them up. Took all the extra time getting everything perfect Locktighted everything and let it dry over night. Get everything ready for the track...look out guys here I come! I fire it pipe...sounds beautiful! Toss it down and hammered did it tear up the ground!......and go nowhere....I put the rear diff in the rear tires were running in reverse. ARGH! Worst thing is every one got to see it...and laugh. A bunch of the guys all jumped on it to help me swap it around real quick and have a chuckle....yeah here's my sign!
I shouldn't laugh at you Joey because I did the same on my little RC-18t. I heard the crunchy gravel sound coming from the rear diff that meant it needed to be rebuilt again (damned 3s LiPo/brushless). I took the beast apart and rebuilt the MIP super-diff again. Shimmed it up and re-assembled the truck. I took it out to my favorite bashing spot and plugged in a fresh 3s pack and hammered it and heard 3 distinct snaps. I looked at it and found 3 broken MIP CVDs and 2 broken diff cups. A very expensive and stupid mistake. DOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one time i found out that an igniter helps keep the glow plug lite, as you drive around.
mine is nice and dumb. one time i started er up and while the transmitter was turned on i hadn't turned the receiver on. i ended up with it caught in a fence 50 metres away and 3 sevearly burt fingers trying to stop the barstard!
The other night, I dug out my old original E Maxx body. Since all my rigs are in running condition for once, I wanted them each to have their own body. After meticulously popping a new antenna hole in the body and adjusting the body mounts, I had a perfectly fitting body. That was on the truck backwards.:)
i did the same as you. Built my axial up and got everything perfect. (i had the diffs in backwards so the axles drove toward each other)

I popped in that new 3S, nailed it and the truck went straight up as far as the suspension would allow and then POW went the driveshafts.
The really scary part guys? All of our user info says "experienced" or "R/C guru"!!! LOL :yes:

How do you think most of us got "experienced"? We have broken a LOT of crap! lol If you keep making mistakes, you learn what NOT to do....and get better at keeping your crap in one piece. hehe

I'm still learning, because my stuff keeps breaking on me on race day!
yea, we are experienced DRIVERS is what it says.. still get those dohh moments though haha. nobodys perfect LOL
dont really have a background story. Just a picture.

lets just say, dont try to drive in tight places when you are driving from a distance. especially if water is present..

Wow! A water cooled Savy! I thought they only did that for boat engines... :yes:

All great stories guys, thanks for making me feel "normal"...

Was running my baja for the first time in a school parking lot. The custome window nets I'd installed came lose and caught the throttle. I was about 15 ft from a brick wall and turning towards it when I realized I did't have brakes. That moment of panic as I fumbled for the 3rd channel killswitch saved my small investment.

got the heart pumping for sure, one of those moments when you pull out in front of a truck and stop just as they screem past.

do damaged vehicles yet though - knock on wood.

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