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  1. Bashing
Ok I just got of the phone with Criss at traxxas and found out why I was banned. The short story is it was the clapp... Now I know your think what does this have to do with being watched??? Well Criss came over here to read what was being said about OQ and HW on this board and saw what I said here about the thread over there. So in short you can be banned from the Traxxas board for what you say on this board. So watch what you say here or you may get banned there:wtf:

Oh and Criss I know at some point you will read this and if you would like to say anything PLEASE feel free to join up, sign on and add to the thread. Iv found here at RCNITROTALK.COM we dont have to call to find out we did something wrong here were given the chance to not make the same mistake twice. But its all cool:D So in parting if you are up to a open descussion just sign up and we can talk this out.

Originally posted by Hunter
Ok I just got of the phone with Criss at traxxas and found out why I was banned. The short story is it was the clapp... Now I know your think what does this have to do with being watched??? Well Criss came over here to read what was being said about OQ and HW on this board and saw what I said here about the thread over there. So in short you can be banned from the Traxxas board for what you say on this board. So watch what you say here or you may get banned there:wtf:

Oh My.....I have seen it all now,

btw Criss, get over yourself and your boards. Try watching your mods instead of this little place or join up and join the discussion. it is quite good.
how lame can someone be!!! they need to go to other forums and look to see what people say. Traxxas is just solidifying how lame they really are. I will say this for a fact. I will never buy another traxxas product. Just solely for the fact of oq holmi and traxxas's onesided forum. I would rather leave nitro trucks before supporting a group like this. Trust me people this is not the last of my public bashing of traxxas. (they might be able to ban me from there forum but they can't ban my mouth)I go to lots of r/c events (half of the people hate traxxas to begin with)and I am going to be a loud mouth and express my thoughts about traxxas. Word of mouth can be your best friend or your worst when it comes to spreading good or bad news. It speads like a wildfire.

my lhs is going to stop carrieng traxxas product !!!! He has been planning to drop them before this all started. He sells tons of terra crushers!
Oh and not to leave any one out OQ and HW If you have anything to add just log on and start typing..... i know your both members here.
I will have new vids to prove my public trashing of traxxas.
Originally posted by Hunter
Oh and not to leave any one out OQ and HW If you have anything to add just log on and start typing..... i know your both members here.
Man get real those two are chickens they will sneak over hear in hidden mode but they are not about to post over hear and try to explain their Dictatorship like Tactics on the other board. Plus everyone knows homo can't do anything with out asking momie I mean his caretaker.
Also I agree with niffken I had thought about not buying another Traxxas product myself but I thought I might be over reacting. Well I just bought a new truck Friday and it wasn't a Traxxas Vehicle it was a Team Losi. You know, the kind that gets parts support and it gets racing support.. The fact of the matter is that the T-MAxx is a bad a$$ truck but it wont be the knig forever. I am not taking away from what TRX did with this truck but if they don't get of their Lazy Rears and make something new instead of all these upgrades to 10 year old products the next big thing is going to get them then all they will have is a bunch of old vehicles. Cause once someone builds a better Truck than the TMaxx whether it is the Savage Or the BFT; Traxxas is going to loose a lot of support from the hardcore R/C people and the Racers. Don't forget its the thinking adults with the money not the little kids buying the Nitro Sport's and Bandits.

Just to make it clear TRX you get no suckitude from me anymore. I was debating on the Savage or new T-MAXX thanks for making my mind up for me. You will never get another dime from me. X

Here is what I got banned for

This is what got me banned I sent a pm to ask what word is offensive got no reply posted this and then I was banned
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Originally posted by Niffken
I will have new vids to prove my public trashing of traxxas.

And dont forget pics to:cheerful: can't wait to see them.
This is for you Christan. I used the word (clapp) on there site only one time. and I posted this here.

Oh now I get it I would not even wish that on them.



And as Criss said to me on the phone you do know we have internet access here??? We know what you said on the other site (here) And the Ban stands.
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Let them watch...the harrassment will continue. As long as they are closed to free movement of ideas and thought, they will get a bunch of hate and discontent directed at them...MISANTHROPE, ANTRAXX...who shall be next?

Let them Ban me...I had already left that forum for this much better forum. What are they going to do? Sue me for voicing my opinions. Contrary to popular belief, agreeing to follow rules doesn't negate your constitutional rights on any count. Contrary to HW's belief, Constitutional rights apply across the board in this country...not just to governmental institutions. If I want to say the TRAXXAS board SUCKS for instance, that is my right under law. If Woodie wants to tell me not to say that on his site, then he can do that and I have the option of stopping or going elsewhere.


Hell, I even went so far as to ask them to delete my profile when I left. They never did. Guess they can't even do the simple things correctly.
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I just seen the thread that he locked - he said to EMAIL him if anyone had any questions. Well, I can't PULL AN EMAIL ADDRESS FOR HIM! Guess Ill just have to call myself. I want to know WHY they continue to protect mods that are disliked as much as them.

WHY would you continue to keep a mod if so many people dislike them? Especially if you have to ban GOOD QUALITY USERS for expressing their opinions about those mods.

Maybe they should start listening to the people. After all, its the people that make the site go. NOT THE MODS! That includes myself. If I SUCKED I would HOPE that you guys would tell me, woodie and Eddy and ReTread. This way, they could help me address my issues, if any, and possibly change the problem. If not, then hey, I have pride, CAN MY AZZ! I wouldnt take it personal.....................

Man, WHY are they so behind the reason people are leaving? I DONT GET IT!
Hey lets be careful with how we are using Suck around here it has so many diffrent meanings. like this

Traxxas Boards OQ AND HW SUCK
that is an example of Bad Suck

Christian Is a Suck MOD
this could be an example of good or bad suck its up to you.

RCNITROTALK.COM Has major Suckitude
This is an example of good Suck.

I hope everyone here understands now if there are anymore questions about SUCK please feel free to pm me or email me or even ask a ? about it here I am the local Suck Represenative and I Will be glad to answer and SUCKY questions X
You SUCK! well...;)
Legally they can't ban you from their site unless you violate the rules of their site and this site is not their site. While not having read all the rules of their site thoroughly they can't just ban you for posting trash on another site about their site. I think I might call them and ask why I was banned. If I was banned for this reason I think I will first read their rules thoroughly then call them and tell them to reinstate my account since I did not violate their rules!

Here\'s a copy of the only rules they have linked to their site which is found under the registrations tab:
Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please press the Agree button at the end of the page. Note: By pressing the button you declare that you are over the age of 13. If you are 13 or under, please use this registration form.

Although the administrators and moderators of Traxxas Online Community will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Traxxas Online Community or Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

The owners of Traxxas Online Community have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

Anyone see anything about bashing their site on another site? I didn\'t think so either.
My God! That's scarey. I can't believe they banned you for that! Apparently you are not permitted to voice an opnion other then theirs. I'm schocked I wasn't banned for my post here about the Sport Maxx that X copied over there. (BTW X, thanks for the credit! Plus I LOVE the way you shut old Holmie down on your responce to him)

I think Sky hit it on the head with the "Forum Nazis" title.
Hey El -

On a LEGAL note, they can do whatever they want. Its like a 'private property' right that they fall under. I'm in no way trying to justify what they did. I'm just letting you know, they legally can ban whoever they want whenever they want. Just like we can here.

For them to do what they did DOES SUCK! Period! But I dont see us being able to sue them at all. Just not there.
I got an idea. Hey Woodie, why don't you ban OQ and Homie! Tell them that they are banned because they are banning members to RCNitro unfairly! Or tell them them that they are banned just because you CAN!!
Originally posted by Fett
I got an idea. Hey Woodie, why don't you ban OQ and Homie! Tell them that they are banned because they are banning members to RCNitro unfairly! Or tell them them that they are banned just because you CAN!!
Fett While you and I would like to see that I doubt that is gonna happen becuase I don't see Woodie lowering himself to those standards of OQ, HW and TRX as a whole. Nor do I think Woodie is so in need of an ego boost that he would do such petty things to make himself feel bigger than other people.
Now Fast Eddy or Christian we may have a shot with them espeicaly EDDY. ;)X
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