Wardo's thread.

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Wardo said:
Last comment about the issue that I have, both parties buyer and seller were wrong, the buyer had about zero clue on things, just that he was unhappy. As the admin, you make the call. You let it ride to a point far out of control, leave me little faith sponsoring. You let the majority of the board, even those with nothing to do with it bash the sponsor. I can talk until I'm blue in the face, you'll never see where I'm coming from as a business person because you think there is nothing wrong with what happened.

Well it's good to hear you're gonna finally let whatever you're talking about goto rest. As I've got an idea but not 100% sure what exactly you're talking about if it was before HCR came along. So it's hard telling what I did or didn't do that has made you so mad. Either way I've made it clear we do not and will not cater to crooked companies. Every decent company is fully aware of this, and those that advertise here know that as well - I've yet to get anything but praises from RC-Solutions and HCR about the exposure they've received here.

The only ones that do complain are those that have been brought to the table because of their crooked ways or those that obviously have something to hide. We give not only members a chance to share their feelings but the company in question a chance to explain what did or didn't happen, in fact we hope they do come to RCNT and explain their side of the story as there is always two sides of a story. What ever deal your talking about I'm assuming they other party had their word in it as well by what you've said above. So your right I don't see your point, both parties made their statements what more do you want? I've already told you, I nor anyone else will be kissing your ass here.

Wardo said:
Last comment about the issue that I have, both parties buyer and seller were wrong, the buyer had about zero clue on things, just that he was unhappy. As the admin, you make the call. You let it ride to a point far out of control, leave me little faith sponsoring. You let the majority of the board, even those with nothing to do with it bash the sponsor. I can talk until I'm blue in the face, you'll never see where I'm coming from as a business person because you think there is nothing wrong with what happened.

We don't want ANY of your money. Get over something that had nothing to do with you over a year ago. Please stop crying or put a "wet floor" sign down on the floor so we don't have any one slip and fall. All we need is an insurance claim. Wardo, you my friend are the winner of a very special hat!


and if you like beanies better than here you go!


Wear your crown with pride!
FRIDGE said:
:no_commen no wonder you say $2400 you can't even count that its only 2 spelling errors.
Is the other a typo? :)
Wardo said:
He is not, he's putting up with my BS rather nicely

SO you admit that this arguement is pretty much like you said then? ALl I asked is to PM Woodie, Fasteddy or one of us Mods. Everyone here has the same option as you. Don't pay. You can still post and browse freely. For those who are interested in getting some extra stuff its an added option as well. I think that this has clouded the bigger and better things that RCNT is going towards. I for one am open to donating funds to better the way the site runs. A small price to pay for the vast amount of knowledge available to the member.

lol blazer .where did you find that LOL!!
Wardo said:
I came here with thoughts of sponsoring.

Then maybe you should have tried to make a better impression.
For the life of me, I can't figure out why you wish to continue this useless rant that is of NO interest or concern to you or anyone else here.
I find this ongoing babble dreadfully boring, and you have succeeded in railroading a very important thread that was exciting to all the rest of the members.
FRIDGE said:
lol blazer .where did you find that LOL!!

Can't remember, one of my many Google image searches. I have a freckin library, and over 75% can't be posted on RCNT :(
Wardo said:
40 per forum sponsor monthly x 4
Random banner ads that roll along the bottom x at least 4.

That's $200 per month $2400 a year.

I wasn't aware that some sponsors are trading members for space.

I do not own Smartech. :spit:

As already stated, you assumed when in fact you have no clue what you're talking about. As I already stated when I replied to your questions those banners are part of the forum sponsor, not only do they have their own forum but the banner as well.

joneser4u said:
Wardo, do you own Smartech?

You bring up a very interesting point. I don't know what Wardo owns or doesn't own I do know he ironicly showed up on the forum around the time I believe the whole DiscountRC thing went down and when DiscountRC swore up and down we'd never get an advertiser here, then came along Wardo out of no where and said he wouldn't advertise here because Discount was brought to the table. The funniest thing about all of it was that in fact HCR signed up like the next day or two.

HumboldtBlazer said:
We don't want ANY of your money. Get over something that had nothing to do with you over a year ago.

And you are one of the main reasons why you'll never get any money or I'll never advise anyone to sponsor this forum. This is the same bullshit line you used on me when I only suggested that what happened did not make the site look good.

Fine, you don't want sponsor money? Great, make some posts asking people to sell their stuff on Ebay for the site, ask people to buy message board basics. Dump your own money into the site then. :shrug:

jon2 said:
SO you admit that this arguement is pretty much like you said then? ALl I asked is to PM Woodie, Fasteddy or one of us Mods. Everyone here has the same option as you. Don't pay. You can still post and browse freely. For those who are interested in getting some extra stuff its an added option as well. I think that this has clouded the bigger and better things that RCNT is going towards. I for one am open to donating funds to better the way the site runs. A small price to pay for the vast amount of knowledge available to the member.


And, I'm for wanting to know what's going on before I send money to someone. :shrug: Again, I asked a simple question, why should it be hush hush?
Wardo said:
And you are one of the main reasons why you'll never get any money or I'll never advise anyone to sponsor this forum. This is the same bullshit line you used on me when I only suggested that what happened did not make the site look good.

Fine, you don't want sponsor money? Great, make some posts asking people to sell their stuff on Ebay for the site, ask people to buy message board basics. Dump your own money into the site then. :shrug:

We don't want YOUR money, other sponsors we will consider if it fits right with the site. Put the blame on me all you want Wardo, I will bah like a scapegoat if you need me to. First your reason was WoodiE, now it's me, soon it will be someone else. You start this whole discussion like anyone cares. I can tell you wanted a little attention today whether it be good or bad attention.
Rolex said:
Then maybe you should have tried to make a better impression.
For the life of me, I can't figure out why you wish to continue this useless rant that is of NO interest or concern to you or anyone else here.
I find this ongoing babble dreadfully boring, and you have succeeded in railroading a very important thread that was exciting to all the rest of the members.

You put up a post asking for what amounts to donations, I'd like to know why, how clueless are you people, read what i'm writing here and stop adding the same damned question.
Whoa...take 5 min to type up a post and the whole thread gets blown off course.

Wardo, as you can see were all very defensive of this place we care about so much. Because we care so much, most of us will not/do not have any problem with Woody and the staff asking for a few pennies to help pay for the "perks" that cost the site money.

-Could things be changed to protect the advertisers? Yes

-If we protected the advertisers would we attract more of them? Probably

-Would the die-hard members love this site as much as they do if we restricted their freedoms and compromised the core beliefs of the site just to make some money? No

Here at RCNT it’s all about the members. The current changes do not in any way take away any of the benefits of being a member. We can read and post on the boards. We can still search through the threads for the info we want/need. We still all have the right to our own opinions and the freedom to express those opinions (related to RC) in any way we wish (as long as its not X-rated). We can still have avatars (just have to wait till 1000 posts). There is absolutely no detriment to the site or its members. If you "want" the few bells and whistles we ask that you help fund those extras. If you don’t want them, you’re still a welcomed member of the site and our community.
Wardo said:
And, I'm for wanting to know what's going on before I send money to someone. :shrug: Again, I asked a simple question, why should it be hush hush?

Who said it was hush hush? If you wasn't so damn busy ranting and raving about something you had no clue about in the first place you'd realize that I am the ONLY person that pays the bills and I'm the only person that knows how much it costs to run this site. So you should only be worried about my reply, my reply gave you a break down as of right now. No one said it was hush hush, what more do you want?

If you didn't want everyone else's reply then you should have taken this via PM with myself. Instead you hoped to start up something only to have it shoved back in your face. Your questions have been answered, you ass will not be kissed no get on with your bad self.

Wardo, why are you still here? You hate this site, it's mods, it's rules, just about everything, so please just leave. You bring nothing positive to the site, you seek controversey over resolve, you have a holier than thou attitude, that as far as I am concerned just plain sucks! It really is a shame you don't have to pay to post, if so we would not have to be bothered by you any longer. Please, just go away!
WoodiE said:
As already stated, you assumed when in fact you have no clue what you're talking about. As I already stated when I replied to your questions those banners are part of the forum sponsor, not only do they have their own forum but the banner as well.

You bring up a very interesting point. I don't know what Wardo owns or doesn't own I do know he ironicly showed up on the forum around the time I believe the whole DiscountRC thing went down and when DiscountRC swore up and down we'd never get an advertiser here, then came along Wardo out of no where and said he wouldn't advertise here because Discount was brought to the table. The funniest thing about all of it was that in fact HCR signed up like the next day or two.


Man, so those others that pop up and have popped up in the past were freebies? Let me on on that deal. :)

I had no idea who anyone was in the incident, just what sways my choices.

With what HCR charges for their stuff, they should pay for the whole forum, woops, did I just say that?
Wardo said:
You put up a post asking for what amounts to donations, I'd like to know why, how clueless are you people, read what i'm writing here and stop adding the same damned question.

Your question was answered by WoodiE already in regards to site costs. He didn't owe anyone that info but gave it willingly. You act like you just asked an innocent question but we all know you did this just to stir poop. If you think you are fooling anyone here just makes you even more desreving of your new title of RCNT A55hat.
for the simple fact that this is a thread to inform the community and has been derailed to a high amount. i will not say anything. lets just call this thing a :deadhorse
Wardo said:
I first heard of this site when he or whoever used admin@rcnitrotalk email purchased stuff from me off of ebay a few years back. I came here with thoughts of sponsoring

Wardo - For the record what item was purchased from you off of ebay? At the very least what is YOUR ebay handle?

Can I use this as my sig if I contribute $50.00 or do you have dibs on it WoodiE?
Wardo said:
Man, so those others that pop up and have popped up in the past were freebies? Let me on on that deal. :)

Please explain that line, what are you talking about?
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