Wardo's thread.

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When I found this place 2 years ago I was such a newbie. I mean, I had electric RC cars in the past but I really didnt think of it as a hobby or anything. They were just kewl toys.

NOW... 6 nitro vehicles and many many thousands of dollars later I can confidently say I am a raving RC nitroholic. Its in my blood now and aint comming out no time soon. This site was my second home for soooo long and I learned sooo much from the guys here that I dont think I would have stayed into RC without this place. I made some really great online friends. Some RL firends and Some of whom may no longer be active members or into RC all that much but we still keep in touch.

I used to troll around many forums and sites trying to find what I was looking for. I would post a question only to find that a month later not one person had replied. Or if they did they were soo off the mark it wasn't funny. I tried hanging out at the LHS and tried getting to know people there but they were just as inexperienced as i was. The LHS owners knew alot but if they didnt think there waas the potential for a sale they usualy didnt want to be bothered by my million and 1 questions.

Then one day I followed a link to RCNT and ran some searches and found exactly what i was looking for. Part#, link to manufacturers website, price, suggestions...a ton of smart remarks... and all of that in just a simple searches. After a few posts of my own..I was hooked. I think I spent about 5hours/day back then reading EVERY post in every thread, Absorbing as much as I could. I had RCNT as my homepage at work and ALYWAYS kept it minimized in the background. I couldnt go more than 1-2 hours without withdrawl symptoms.

Woody, the staff, and all you guys really do make this place the best damn RC board on the net. Nowhere else do we have the freedom we do here. Nowhere else is there such a sense of "cummunity" as there is here. No-where else can you go from talking about the best camber angle and gearing ratios to use on race day, to how your dog ate a tye dye tablet and now his poop is blue, to talking about the latest internet joke, and back to compression ratios and powerbands IN ONE THREAD!!!!

RCNitroTalk.com will always be my home away from home.
Wardo said:
Please go look again. I've posted things for sale here 3 times in over a year, 3 posts out of 300 something.

well..i looked..u also have a trader rating of ZERO
Wardo said:
And that's pure BS. Your current sponsors have all had problems as everyone does. How you allow it to be handled would make any business person think twice about dealing with the site. If you can't see that, it's no wonder sponsors do not flood in.

Well I'm glad I've got a book keeper that keeps track of everything for me. However the sponsors here can't be having it that bad or they wouldn't stay here. None of them have came to me or any other staff complaining that the service they get here. Each one of them has continued to stay right here on RCNT.

Wardo said:
One of your sponsors sells cheap parts, that I've had fitment and quality issues with while being in businness, yet they charge outrageous prices for them. I handle it with a grain of salt not to deal with their products anymore but I don't come out and directly bash them here.

That's the point your missing. The beauty of RCNT is that you can openly talk about a product or company without fear of being banned or edited. You don't want to bring up your problem here, that's fine that's your decision. However other members like to share their experiences both good and bad, if you can't handle your company being looked at and reviewed both good and bad then no you will never make it here on RCNT. Either way I'm not going to lose sleep over you not being peachy king happy because I'm not kissing your ass and telling the members here that they can speak only nice stuff about you.

Wardo said:
Doesn't this place bring in $160 a month just in sponsor forums? Then banner ads, ads under the first post?

$2400 a year, plus $5 monthly $50 a year from alot I've seen already. Wow.

No it doesn't and that shows you what you know. Some of our manufacturers pay us no cash and we take parts in trade for reviews. Please do not try to pick this apart as you do not know the first thing about what it takes to run a site of this size. Make sense? All staff is unpaid, including the owner who has paid for this whole thing outta pocket, never made a dime. There will always been richards like you that think WoodiE is bank rolling from this
and call him on it, but you make yourself look ignorant for doing so, not us.
wannarunem said:
well..i looked..u also have a trader rating of ZERO
I've listed one thing for sale here, the rest were ebay links, WTF is your point?
Wardo said:
Please go look again. I've posted things for sale here 3 times in over a year, 3 posts out of 300 something.

:alarm: :stupid: :alarm: Give it up dude you don't know what your talking about.
Well..i could tell u what my point was..but from what it seems...after i explain....You still wouldnt understand.
Wardo said:
Unanswered still.

Does it cost over the $2400 that the site is making now????????

You missed the point about sponsors, there was a 8+ page post about a sale, that took place on Ebay with a forum sponsor. The sponsor simply came here and stated his case and it turned into a huge mess. Looks great for anyone who wants to become a sponsor.

I had thought about purchasing 3 seperate banner ads for a year, that post sealed the deal for me. The moderating team, whoever it was at the time allowed such a thing to happen.

How does this tie in? think about it, now theres "list your poop on Ebay and give us the money" topics, buy your avatar, and whatever else.

and again, I'm simply asking, does it take more then $2400 to run the site as is? If not, what happened to the cash? Now when there is a problem, the fiddlesticking begging begins.

Considering after that happened we had a huge vendor like HCR sign up, it made no matter. Also we had another new kind of RC business sign up as well. So to say it drove away sponsors you are really grabbing at straws and standing on quicksand. Why do you need to know the cost of running this site in a year? Why is this any of your business? Seems you have an agenda here and it is back firing on you. You are the only one that seems to be thinking this way.

Wardo said:
WTF is your point?

I would like to ask you the same question?
its like that little puppy in the corner nobody cares about you have a minute to shine and you poop on the rug. i feel that you have wasted so many peoples time not to mention that at the moment i feel smarter than you.LOL. this thread is to inform of changes not for you to act dum and have no paint of posting.... i tried to mkae this as indirect as possible so that i don't become unruly wiht the "no personal attacks" hope i didnt violate. it just seems like a big waste for someone to act so stupid.
See look at all the freedoms we have here.....

WoodiE your a peepee!

I wont even be banned*

*Please dont Ban me this is a Joke
:ban: lol @ sly..
we do have alot of freedom here. also this feels like one of those talk about everything forums maybe because its such a laid back atmosphere.
I think what some of the new members do not realize is that this site was an answer to the over moderated Traxxas site that banned us all just for speaking our minds freely about RC products including Traxxas products....
WoodiE said:
That's the point your missing. The beauty of RCNT is that you can openly talk about a product or company without fear of being banned or edited. You don't want to bring up your problem here, that's fine that's your decision. However other members like to share their experiences both good and bad, if you can't handle your company being looked at and reviewed both good and bad then no you will never make it here on RCNT. Either way I'm not going to lose sleep over you not being peachy king happy because I'm not kissing your ass and telling the members here that they can speak only nice stuff about you.


Last comment about the issue that I have, both parties buyer and seller were wrong, the buyer had about zero clue on things, just that he was unhappy. As the admin, you make the call. You let it ride to a point far out of control, leave me little faith sponsoring. You let the majority of the board, even those with nothing to do with it bash the sponsor. I can talk until I'm blue in the face, you'll never see where I'm coming from as a business person because you think there is nothing wrong with what happened.
sly i want to be christened rcnt.... what site is that? LOL
HumboldtBlazer said:
Considering after that happened we had a huge vendor like HCR sign up, it made no matter. Also we had another new kind of RC business sign up as well. So to say it drove away sponsors you are really grabbing at straws and standing on quicksand. Why do you need to know the cost of running this site in a year? Why is this any of your business? Seems you have an agenda here and it is back firing on you. You are the only one that seems to be thinking this way.

I would like to ask you the same question?

Wow, two people in a year. AND they're not paying. :shrug:

I simply asked what the cost was for the 15th fiddlesticking time, to see why the site seemed to be bringing in $2400 a year and wasn't self supportive and turning a profit.

FRIDGE said:
its like that little puppy in the corner nobody cares about you have a minute to shine and you poop on the rug. i feel that you have wasted so many peoples time not to mention that at the moment i feel smarter than you.LOL. this thread is to inform of changes not for you to act dum and have no paint of posting.... i tried to mkae this as indirect as possible so that i don't become unruly wiht the "no personal attacks" hope i didnt violate. it just seems like a big waste for someone to act so stupid.

Please don't think I'm "dum" and tell me just how much with a post with 350 spelling errors. :cheers:
Where are you geting the 2400$ figure?
Wardo, do you own Smartech?
Geeezzz someone pissed on this guys Wheaties this morning LOL
msly said:
See look at all the freedoms we have here.....

WoodiE your a peepee!

I wont even be banned*

*Please dont Ban me this is a Joke

He is not, he's putting up with my BS rather nicely. :)

I first heard of this site when he or whoever used admin@rcnitrotalk email purchased stuff from me off of ebay a few years back. I came here with thoughts of sponsoring.

Mayhem said:
Where are you geting the 2400$ figure?

40 per forum sponsor monthly x 4
Random banner ads that roll along the bottom x at least 4.

That's $200 per month $2400 a year.

I wasn't aware that some sponsors are trading members for space.

I do not own Smartech. :spit:
:no_commen no wonder you say $2400 you can't even count that its only 2 spelling errors.
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