Through With Integy!!!!

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You'll have to stand in line behind Mr Savage, if in fact that is his real name!:constipat
You should add RCNitroTalk to your list of links ;)

Wow! This is unbelievable! How can they continue to get away with this kind of crap?

Bill, feel free to add my thread to your "Anti-Integy" link!
I will NEVER buy anything from Integy. Customer service is just as important as a quality product, and it is quite obvious they can not supply either.
As soon as I get back from my volunteer job I'll add the forum and I'll be more than happy to ad a link to your thread Monkey Wrench.
LOL...I never had much of an issue with their quality but I stopped buying their stuff after reading MW's thread a while back..........even the RC18 I got from rush RC has been slowly being replaced w/ associated aluminum parts.....if the customers don't start demending respect and letting them know how poopy their service is they will never change....good lookin out Bill
In each of the e-mails to Integy, both Bill and Monkey Wrench got one response that wasn't as desired and then started taking a poor tone (MW with the 8 days remark, and Bill with the short answer remark) rather than simply asking for elaboration politely.

To give you some insight on web based customer service, I answered web e-mails for a long time (new business, cust. service, complaints, etc.), and when you stare at hundreds a day it tests your patience. People are begging for favors, citing how important they are to a company's business, when realistically, their business couldn't improve sales by 1/100th of a percent. Its really easy to round file them if they start to take a negative tone.

For every angry customer there is a mile long line behind them of satisfied people who will return. Simple math. Its hard to realize that maybe your bad experience is rather uncommon since you feel like the company jaded you personally. Sure, you see others that share your views when you go online, but you have to realize that the satisfied people don't usually go out of their way to speak up like the unsatisfied customers do.

I know that you are probably thinking I am trying to stir up the hornets nest, but I am just providing the underpaid, could care less employee's perspective (devil's advocate). You may feel that you have power over the employee because you are the customer, especially since your job title may be higher up than theirs, but trust me, your attitude directly reflects on how you will get service. Kill them with kindness, and you will be amazed at how many discounts, special offers, and just how out of the way a person will go. All you have to do is be polite.

I have sent several e-mails to Integy, because I needed information on their 1/8th scale setup board, as well as questions about them selling me one of their setup system cases separate from the system itself, and I received prompt and proper (albeit short) answers from the representatives.
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when realistically, their business couldn't improve sales by 1/100th of a percent. Its really easy to round file them if they start to take a negative tone.

Sorry, going to have to disagree with you on this one. It is a proven dictum in the business world that it costs twice as much to bring a new client in than it does to retian a current paying one.

I have reasonable expectations from the businesses I deal with. I do not expect nor do I receive great customer service at McDonald's, but I know I am also only paying $3.00 for my meal.

If I paid well over $200.00 for two sets of shocks and both sets have chronic failures within a month of their purchase, you're darn tootin' I expect excellent customer service and it should not take eight days to respond! My tone may have agitated them but I'm not interested in their attitude so much as I am in their ability and claim to stand behind their product. Maybe if their response would've included an apology or explanation for their lack of follow-up, I'd be more understanding and construct my reply comments accordingly. But when a response indicates an absolute disrespect for me based on my actual given name (which is Savage) I have no tolerance for that whatsoever.

Your points are valid, but to state categorically that consumers should expect disrespectful customer service simply because those that provide it feel they are underpaid is preposterous! If those individuals feel they are underpaid, then they should resign their position and seek higher paying employment! You make it sound like there is no choice for these folks when, in fact, they have the choice.

There simply is no excuse whatsoever for the treatment Integy is providing myself and the customer Bill references. No matter how many satisfied customers they have.

Additionally, it is also proven that individuals experiencing a negative experience with a business are inclined to share that negative experience with no less than ten of their friends or family members. Those ten will generally share that experience with ten of their friends and family members.

With the power of the web, no company, in my opinion, can honestly afford to offend a customer as blatantly as Integy has. Not receiving the answer you want from a company is one thing. I can deal with my cell phone carrier saying I cannot get a credit for renewal because I'm not far enough into my contract to warrant one. That's business. But to overtly disprespect a customer based on their name or where they are from has no place in the business world.
I guess the difference in my attitude over yours is the difference between owning a company and being under paid by one.

The happy customers will remain happy until you do something to piss them off. Simply don’t piss them off. A happy customer will tell an average of 3-4 people about you.

An unhappy customer will remain unhappy until they are made happy. Simply put, find out why they are unhappy and either sympathize with them or make it right. An unhappy customer will tell on average 8-10 people about you.

Business is built one customer at a time. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't have a clue about the real world. To say one customer doesn’t matter, or just concentrate on the happy ones is a piss poor attitude and exactly the wrong way to think. Seeing e-mails like the ones posted in either instance is just wrong, no two ways about it.

I don’t know you nor am I trying to make assumptions about you, but if an employee ever had the attitude you displayed in the post above, they would be out on the street with their last paycheck in their hand faster then I could wipe my ass and say goodbye.

There is no excuse for poor customer care other then BAD MANAGEMENT OR BAD HELP!
Ahhhh the old management / owner vs. pissed off employee story.....
here's my take on it.....
I was homeless and underage when I moved out of my parents house but even at 17 I had enough of a clue about work ethic to know your job is what you make of it.....If you are a pissed off employee you will not last very long with that employer OR you will stay in that same position as long as your attitude stays the same......I started as a bike messenger and was the low guy on the totem pole.....I listened to all the other guys bitch out the dispatcher and they got poop on w/ the work they got...I just accepted the fact they were the bosses and did what I was told...after a few months I noticed I was getting up to 3 times the work the pissed off guys got.....same thing in the skate shops and other a pee-on salesman I unstood the customer has to be taken care of....after seeing I truly went out of my to please the irrational customers I was made manager while the other pissed off salesmen stayed salesmen.....your work ethic should overcome your knee-jerk reaction to lash out at someone who is giving you pissy attitude if your job is to deal with problems like that......these guys at integy may be underpaid pee-on employees but if they keep doing crap like thay are doing they will always be the underpaid employee wherever they go......and their bosses should be concerned how they are representing the me I have had to deal with ALL types of pissed off customers in many industries...but I always manage to treat them with the respect I would sucks and yes you eat alot of poop for it but in the long run you and thye will be happier.....neither one of those e-mail chains (well maybe Mr. Savage's was..LOL) was out of line to warrant the reponses they got IMO......
just my 2 cents on the underpaid employee side of things....
It's pure arrogance for a company to shrug off an unhappy customer because there is a mile lone line of happy customers at their door. With an attitude like that, rest assured that line will continue to dwindle until there is no more. I am fortunate to also see it from both sides. And I still go out of my way to make sure that everyone is happy. Or at least as happy as I'm capable of making them. I have not, and will not, turn a patient away if they're complaining about something I have done. I will make it right. And never will the feel that they are "wrong". Do I have to suck up my pride? Oh hell yeah. A lot. But in the end, it comes back. I now routinely have patients who tell me they're a friend of Mr. or Mrs. So-and-so and they recommended me highly. All because I treat each case as if it were my only one and not as one in a long line of patients.

The attitude that CS at Integy has shown in these 2 instances is inexcusable in the business world. It doesn't matter if MW or Bill's friend copped a bit of an attitude during the transaction. The CS rep went waaaaaay too far in their responses. They went from working with a customer to insulting a fellow human being. There is no question that their treatment was over the line. And they have indeed lost a customer in me.
I just came from my RC guys store and was telling him how I was through buying integy stuff and he remarked how they never stood behind any of their products. He reminded me of the nice chassis I bought for my TMAXX that broke where the bulkheads attached after about 5 jumps. He called them while I was there. The answer, once you take it out of the package, you own it! He says he'll stand behind me and respect my judgment and not promote any integy anything. I do have to admit that all those blue things like battery and receiver boxes I bought a couple years ago for my TMAXX do look good. Even though the top of the receiver box is bent! LOL

The link to your post is on my page MW.....
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I said I was playing devil's advocate. I didn't personally handle customers in this fashion when I had a similar job. If you read over posts I have made here and just about any other forum, you can see that I write with more professionalism in most forum posts than those two (Integy people, not referring to MW and Bill) did in their official response to a client. That is grounds for termination at most companies I would suspect. I just speculated at the reason they may have flew off the handle in the first place.

The company I work for doesn't seem to care about the customer. Sure, they won't give unprofessional responses like Integy did, but they have the exact same attitude about customers. I have gone out of my way to help a customer on many occasions, and when I go to upper management to get approval (for a discount or credit or something similar), they simply say if the customer doesn't like our offer tell them we would be happy to cancel their "account" (a different word would be in place of account, but it would give away too much about where I work) and refund their deposit "we don't need their business". They genuinely don't care.

We have such a large market share (nearest competitor is 1/3 the size) and we are gaining. We can undersell everyone. Its insane, and unfair to the others, especially with how the upper managment acts, but it works in our case. I believe that I am going to hell for working here, but can't find a job that will pay me about 13.00-15.00/hr (including average commision) to do almost nothing, and have complete internet access (including this site).

I only offered the advice of being nice to the "pee-ons" of the world because there are many of them, and most have more power than it seems when it comes to helping (or hurting) your bottom line. Everything from cell phones, to rental cars, department stores, you name it, there is a base pay worker who could save you a ton if you just butter them up instead of smacking them down. In my work experience, as well as my private life I see many of the upper management types (3 cell phones attached to a 150 dollar leather belt, etc) who talk negatively to the "counter lackeys" or "call center jockeys" (quotes not taken directly from this discussion, but common public view) and get a lousy deal for it. Sure the representative is smiling and acting like they are helping, but rest assured, they are giving you the shaft if you aren't polite. Its not policy, but it goes un noticed by managment very easily.

Basically, no matter how angry you are at treatment from a company, be persistent, but always be polite, and you will get what you want. Don't flaunt your title, your wealth, or how many people you think you will steer away if you don't get your tantrum appeased, just be nice.
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I wasn't coming down onya KX, I just hear too many people bitch about how their life sucks (mostly because their job) and they take it out on other people like that justifies it.....get a better can always do something to make your life better....Especially if you're at the bottom of the financial food chain......that should be enough motivation in itself

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