$125 + shipping from central PA 4lbs. 3oz. package.Factory Team components like steering bellcranks, blue carbon fiber battery strap, aluminum servo mounts, milled motor plate, etc., etc.
CVA joints with pin retainer clips
Ball differential
V2 Slipper
Front 12mm hex axle conversion, and aluminum hex adapters
RPM bumpers/skid/chassis brace
Pro-Line body mounts
I put a couple of new bearings in the rear hubs when doing recent complete tear down/cleaning/rebuild of truck. Ball diff has been refurbished. The rear body mounts have been repaired years ago with JB Weld, and CA/backing soda... been holding up great.
Will include the body if a person wants it.. is pretty well beat up. The truck has normal wear on it. I will include the SC10FT manual as well.
Any questions, please ask.
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