Revo 2.5 restoration.

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easy rider

RCTalk Talkaholic
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I bought this car right before Christmas. It looked to be in good shape but, was being sold as is by a guy who claimed he wasn’t familiar to nitro’s. The later turned out true. As I recognized the 2.5 chassis. And it had a 3.3 mounted in it.

I took my chances. I ended up with a motor that has zero pinch. And, a car with broken differentials. The car was just old, loaded up and traded off as a potential jewel that may require very little investment. I bought it suspecting but hopeful. I ended up about as expected.

Anyways, I’ve got plans for this truck. I’ve always wanted the 2.5 with a 3.3 on it. And, after experiencing that combo with an 11k carb, I figured it’d make the smaller car even quicker and faster.

So, I got my parts this last week and started on it this evening. As usual, it never occurred to me to capture the progress. As, this is a new platform to me. It seems very workable, but, I’m just a new guy that really enjoys these nitro RC monster trucks.

So, my first pic was after I removed the old motor, assembled, my new starter kit, and put that jewel of a carburetor on it. Yep. This bad boy is going rock. The 3.3 is a bullet with this carb.

But, I didn’t photograph the differential swaps. I’ll rebuild the originals. The way I accumulate parts is buy fully built diffs and such first change. Then rebuild the originals for back ups. It’s Most efficient for my limited time.

I’ll post a few pics and pick it back up tomorrow. My plan is get a couple break in tanks in before dark. Lord willing.



Whats up bud. Nice score. Just a heads up. If it's a true 2.5 model revo. You might have more problems then fun. With a 3.3 engine in it. Then the 2.5 engine. The 2.5 drive train won't hold up. Might need to upgrade the axles as well. Just a heads up.

Don't use traxxas top fuel. It's made to break engines in that's it. Way to much oil in their fuel to get a good tune using it..
I agree. I just received 5 quarts of the master basher. I’ve only got three quarts of the Traxxas 20 left. I plan on breaking this motor in and the one of my other 3.3’s I’m fixing on rebuilding for a 2.5 tmaxx.

It’s a legit 2.5. I figgered as much on the parts. I figure I’ll do a complete overhaul on the drive line once I break it. And, after having the truck apart, I figure I’m going to shred those drive lines. The 3.3’s with the right carb is definitely levels above a 2.5 drive line.

I installed the new motor and getting ready to install a new RX/battery box. Then, I’ll have to wait on parts.

I ordered the 17mm wheel hex’s. And 4 new stock wheels and tires for it. Got all 4 new for $36 shipped. I bought a VW bug body I’m going to mount on this. I like the way they look. I ordered bumpers too. Pretty pumped about it.

I’m about to stop on the build and take 5. Been going hard since 7 this morning getting everything cleaned, reassembled and installed.

It’s cold out and snowing. Not going to get any fuel through it today. 20 degrees and blowing 30. Nap time then finish it up and to the garage to get it started. I’ll get a completed pic up once I get it all finished up and started this afternoon.

I wanted to tell you guys I appreciate the advice. With no owners manual and being the first time I’ve owned a nitro revo, I’m going to need it. lol

Point in case, I hit my first little snag. I’m having problems with my throttle return coming back to idle. I’ve routed the spring as many ways as possible. The only resolution I can come up with is a few spacers underneath the throttle arm that the carb horn attaches in, versus just bolting it straight to the mount. It’s in a bind and putting a couple washers underneath it will hopefully get it up high enough to where it’s pulling the throttle arm perpendicular versus perpendicular and down.

Any ideas on a better way?
Ok, so I finally got that arm back on with my nylon bushings. It’s a lot of taking a break. A lot of aggravation. And one brief moment where I just about got fed up and took the throttle horn off the carb to give me done room. Who wants to do it the easy way. lol. I’m an idiot for not thinking of it sooner.

Anyways, I got the linkage level. So the arm pulls the carb slide level. It works a lot better but, I didn’t take into account the longer travel of the servo and it broke the fourth time I pulled the trigger. I’ve got a replacement or two coming

The pic is where I leveled the arm with the carb Horn so the carb slides without side pressure. It worked very well. But, I’m going to have to fool with the extra spot and linkage so the servo doesn’t over travel and break the linkage arm.

I don’t know if this is the best way but, it makes sense to me. I can always set the parameters if I don’t feel like fooling too much as well. Options are nice.

I’ve got parts on the way. I’ll install the new battery box tomorrow and await my throttle arm to get this thing fired up. I’ll probably go ahead and forward only this as I wait. I bought a revo forward only conversion for $12.

This car came with the single servo upgrade. Which was the deciding factor in buying it. And, I’m a firm believer the forward only conversions are a huge upgrade. So, now’s the time. Because once I get it running, I want to be done with it. Got some 3.3 axles coming too. This should get the truck ready for the major power increase the 3.3 with 11k carb is going to be.

It’s been a pretty fun restoration and upgrade to this point. Here’s hoping everything else goes as smooth.


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Awesome restoration build ,it is a challenge ,but yields great rewards an you gain a lot of knowledge ,
you also get to know your RC better!.. :cool: :thumbs-up:
Yes sir. I bought my son a used but new tmaxx this summer. Guy put 1 break in tank through it and decided all the fooling wasn’t for him. I tuned the truck after finishing the break in. It was nice to just plug and play as I was a newbie for the most part. But, I’m better off that I’ve had to wrench on every nitro I’ve owned. Much better off.

It’s that experience that leads to building a great nitro. You find out what works and is dependable. And, figure out how to make the inconsistencies go away. Then you got a great car. And, know how to maintain it.

I’m so glad. It’s fun and rewarding. And, it produces cars you get to run instead of work on constantly. I know the tmaxx well. By the time I get this one running, I’ll know it pretty dang good too. Then I’ll run the heck out of it instead of work on it all the time.
I got free from obligations and chores to work on the car a little bit. I went ahead and installed the forward only conversion and tidied up my brake pads and discs. Pro tip. Don’t put parts in a solo cup you’ve put brake cleaner in. It melts the solo cup. Then you’ll have to apologize to the wife for messing up her table.

I’ve now got to refinish this dining table after this restoration. Urg!!!!!

Anyways, I installed the new rx box. And, I put a new receiver wire protector on. One of the old school long ones.

Pic is as it sets currently. And during the forward only conversion.


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The mail ran today for the first time this week. I received all my parts. Including the body I picked out. It’s sweet. I’m really going to like the looks of the truck when I finish it this weekend.

I’ll get back on the wrenching part as soon as possible. Getting weather tonight and tomorrow through safurday. If the weather man is right, I might be working all weekend plowing snow. If he’s not, I’ll get it finished up and hopefully a few tanks in. This thing is going to be sweet.
I stand corrected. I hate it when you gotta wait extra long. My throttle horn hasn’t come in yet. And, for some reason, two of my tires weren’t delivered. In fairness, the weathers been bad. So, I waited on installing the axles until my other two tires show up. But, everything else is ready. I even fitted the body.

I’ll get a completed pic up once the other tires show up. Then it should be ready to go. I’m excited about getting it running.

I like the way it looks for sure.

Here’s the almost completed project. It’s on its third break in tank. I’ve got one more then I’m going to get the high speed needle close and run it hard sporadically the fifth tank. Let it cool and tune it for a rip on the 6th tank. Then call it done and enjoy.

This truck turned into an almost 100% rebuild. New diff’s, axles, new right rear A arms, the front right A arm is on backwards. I’m assuming the rear right top and bottom come off a slash. As, it’s different. New electronics box. New receiver and transmitter. New throttle horn. New motor with is carb. A proper carb horn.

I installed a spring between the rear linkage stop and servo horn on the throttle linkage. It does not bind and so far, no sticking. The motor returns to a smooth purr every time. I hope the spring last as it works a lot better then the stock set up.

Anyways, the Aarms should be here today. I’m going to install them and get the front right upper flopped around like it’s supposed to be. Finish the break in and get a video up by the end of the weekend.

It’s been fun. And it took patience to wait on parts. Once I got something working, I’d find something that didn’t. But, it’s almost done. And, I really like the end results so far.

This truck is going to be fast. Much faster then a 3.3 with a Traxxas carb. And, substantially faster than the OS21tm I have on my tmaxx. During break in, just fooling around, I’ve gotten the truck to run really good when warming with a gear gun before hand. It blows outta the hole. Lots of top end once I got the throttle linkage fixed.

Well, it’s been a bumpy couple days. Been some good. And some aggravation.

I updated a thread I started about a week ago asking for tips on how to get around the stock carb linkage problem I was experiencing. I thought I had it figured out but, a more knowledgeable member pointed out my error.

Anyways, I rushed home early to try and get the break in done since it was 50 degrees. I put the throttle linkage back to stock, adjusted the brakes good because I was going to do this. Yeah!!!!

I run in a tank and a half, filled it up, leaned it out about two hours on the hsp and let it eat. It was a blast for about a minute until I noticed the back tires weren’t getting any power. It appears the grub came out and I stripped the the yoke on the drive shaft. So, I’m broke until parts arrive.

It was running good. I’ve still got some work to do. At the rate it’s going, I might get it running before spring. I’ll update the build once I get my parts.
It'll get there. Sorry you've had bad luck but I think that finish line is right there where you can enjoy running it without trouble.
Me too. Honestly, my frustration is just an example of growing pains on a new platform. I started work on this truck three weeks ago. I’m center drive shafts away from enjoying it.

It’s come along fast. I just didn't have the experience to see things that I should have saw. I had tunnel Vision and missed a lot of issues going along. Instead of ordering parts a couple times. I’ve ordered and had to wait 5 times.

That’s part of it. I’m so green to this revo. I just noticed today the A arms on the front and, right rear are rom. I never saw the stamp on them until today. Since I didn’t slow down and look, I assumed the fronts and left rear were stock. So, I order shock arms. When I set down and flipped the front right upper arm to its correct orientation, I noticed the only stock an arm set was the left rear. So, instead of being able to get all an arms a matching group, I had to order a rear set of rpm’s.

Anyways, I’ve learned a lot. Plus, this gave me time to change out some bent push rods. Which tightened the steering up nice.

I’ll get it. Thank the Lord for Jenny’s RC.
I’ll get it. Thank the Lord for Jenny’s RC.
I'm sure many will agree!

They have also helped me many times with builds and of course many (Ouch, that's going to leave a mark) rebuilds, lol.
I received my center drive shafts yesterday. I got them put on last night and got home in time to get a tank through it.

The tune held from last time so I’m pretty much broke in. It runs like a scalded dog. I forgot how fast a 3.3 with is carb was. Wheelies to the wheelie bar at anytime in 1st gear. It’s a dynamite combo.

I’ve still got a bit of work. I ordered a second rear bumper and mount. I switched the truck to proper orientation but, the body hangs over the front with the front mount and bumper. I’ve got to pull the motor and shift the carb a bit. I can still see just a touch of the side at WOT. I can’t see performance improving but, the build won’t be complete until it’s right.

I’ll get a video up Saturday to complete the thread.
Sounds like you are ready for some air time.
It’s running good. My buddy is running it in the video. Couldn’t get him to open it up. But, you get the idea. This thing will boogie. I’m happy with the outcome.


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