Hurricane take 4

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What a huge fiddlesticking waste of time! No gas, most food stores are already closed, and the ones that are open have no cold foods at all. I nearly got in to two fights, everyones nerves are shot and tempers are flareing. We are already having pretty good wind gusts and rain. Don't know how long I will have power. Heres the latest image...


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I live in South Florida an they say that the people who's power went out for 2 or 3 day i think in (West Palm Beach) during Ivan will not get power back 4 atleast a mounth if Jeanne hits us. Most people who power went out an got turnned back on are only on a temporary lines becasue there it so much damage 2 be repaired by FPL (Florida Power -n- Light). Have u heard of that yet, NCNITRO ¿?¿?¿?
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Not that specifically, however they have said here, if the power goes again it could be out for 8 weeks. There was a tremendous amount of damage in this area to lines, transformers, and substations after Charlie. As you mentioned the repairs were just to get power back up as quickly as possible, and not done 100% right, just a big patch job. My power was out last time for 5 days.
Hey NC! Sent ya a PM,, This sucks!
Rain sucks...i wish i could move up north...
We are now under a mandatory curfew. The most recent update is bringing the eye straight across the county, and more specificaly the city I live in. They are saying we are going to get the worst part of the storm here. This really sucks! I don't know how long I will have power, the weather is turning real ugly real quick.

Thanks Ed.

Well I really can't believe I still have power. The weather has gotten extremely bad, the winds are sustained at about 80mph, with higher gusts. We have a tornado warning in effect until 6am. The eye and powerful bands surrounding the eyewall will be over me shortly. The last two storms eyes just missed me by a few miles, looks like I may not be as lucky this time.
This hurricane season has been really tough on you guys. All I can do is offer my prayers and Godspeed.
I'm back!

Well, I'm back. What a fiddlesticking nightmare! The last two hit me hard but nothing like this one. 100 mph sustained winds with gusts in the 130+. Every house in my neighborhood has some type of damage. 2 out of 3 sheds were destroyed, every roof has some damage or severe damage. Back to gas lines, food lines, cold goods are nearly impossible to find without traveling a good distance. Its been a free for all on the highway since all the lights are out. Were under a mandatory curfew once again. The eye of the storm passed directly over me this time. I am one of the lucky ones, I just got my power and phones back, hundreds of thousands more still have no power, or phone service. I spent about 6 hours in my garage as the eye wall passed over fighting my garage door from blowing in while my terrified wife, 4 year old son, and two week old son, hid in the laundry room waiting for the eye wall to pass. Once it finally did I was able to get a break from fighting the door. Thank God the back side of the hurricane was no where near as vicious as the front side. The wind blew in so hard through the top of the garage door that it stripped the layer of popcorn and joint compound off the celing down to the bare sheetrock. I had another flood in the dining room, and all the screens that were just replaced from the last hurricane were ripped out of the enclosure again. The canal in my back yard is about 1 inch from the top of the dock and seawall. I also lost shingles of my roof. But my neighbors down the street are in worse shape, their garage is under about a foot of water. There is a tremendous amount of trees down everywhere, gas station canapies were blown over taking out the pumps, there is debris everywhere you look. This one was real bad, real bad! Fortunately none of my damage was catastrophic, however there are many people in my area that had much more damage, and many that are homeless, especially on the east coast, where they have endured the full brunt of two major hurricanes in three weeks. Enough is enough already!!!
Glad you and your family are safe. Hopefully, this will be the last hurricane for you guys.
One is to many and four is, well, there is not much that I can say NC. Glad to hear that you and your family are safe.
Its very good to here you and your family are safe.
Good to hear you and your family are ok NC!! I got a small taste of Ivan a few weeks ago! Heavy rains and high winds caused lots of flooding and damage up here in Pa. so I can only imagine what the full force must feel like! Again I'm glad to hear you're safe!