One Unlucky fella....

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lucky. yet unlucky. What a coincidence
WTF If I were that guy...I'd be careful he used up at least 2 lives just that day.
Ironic that you can be Lucky and Unlucky in one event. I guess that is why that is why they are called miracles!
god was having a little fun that day.

wow only thing worse is if he fell 2 the ground and got run over by a truck or a bicyclist lol.

1st off he was NOT 1000 ft away from splat more like 8000...second as he came to 1500 his reserve would deploy, and as long as he wasn't head down it would open......yes that was a very intense day for the guy but the announcer was really hamming it up.......I've got just under 400 jumps and had to deploy my reserve once....scary but not that bad......kind of a rush.....AFF classes are very detailed in how to handle these problems he just wasn't paying attention.....that guy got really never really feel like your falling until the first chute slows you down and you cut it away......
Plaidfish said:
I've got just under 400 jumps...

Nice side hobby. I've always wanted to do it, but I don't think I'd ever have the guts.
I need to get AFF re-certified....I haven't jumped in about 8 friend I used to go with moved back to England and I sold my rig to him and then I got into other took me 5 years of him calling me a female pee pee before I finally should go do the tandem jump it's awsome....that will let you know if you really want to do it.....400 jumps only took 3yrs of going almost every weekend....I payed for it by packing chutes......
Man that would be awesome if I ever got a chance to jump I would that must be such a RUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the rush comes when you're at 2,500ft and still falling you focus on something on the ground and it looks like it jumps out at you, then you hear your ditter starts blaring in your ear that YOU BETTER PULL......that's the "rush"....the focus is actually called ground rush cause it looks like whatever you were looking at just jumped right in front of you......before automatic reserves were mandatory people have died from ground's almost hypnotic
I can imagine , I would love to try it someday whats the average cost like for a tandem jump?
all i have to say is BEER!!!!! and champagne for the rigger that packed his reserve.

he had 3 firsts on the same jump.

1- first jump
2- first malfunction
3- first time getting hung up on the power lines.
I guess maybe I'm a wimp... but I have no desire to jump out of or off of anything..... LOL
try it just never know if you like it unless you try it.....and besides there are 2 things I said to myself before i jumped....that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger & conquering fear is sheding sifu used to say that and "pain is weakness leaving the body".......
UltegraSTI said:
wow only thing worse is if he fell 2 the ground and got run over by a truck or a bicyclist lol.


LMAO!!!! might as well, just about everything else was going downhill.
I love messing around with tandem jumpers, especially if its their first time. I always say this to them. "What are you worried about? There's a 100% probability that you will reach the ground."

Believe it or not, skydiving is safer than driving a car according to statistics. Skydivers always make safety their first priority. Unlike other sports, such as scuba diving, skydivers must maintain their currency and training. If they don't jump for a certain time period, recurrency training is required.

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