XRAY T4 2014 Touring Car

October 4, 2013

xray t4 chassis

XRAY taken their T4 electric touring car and have further updated it to the XRAY T4 2014 touring car. The newly updated T4 includes updated suspension mounts that are now fixed onto the chassis rather than being a part of the bulkhead assembly. Included with the XRAY T4 2014 kit come FR single and RF two-piece blocks with additional split or one-piece blocks being available as option parts in order to fine-tune steering and grip characteristics. Either way the caster, toe, kick-up and track width settings are now adjustable using plastic inserts for the aluminium suspension blocks. Another new feature on the 2014 car are the Suspension Flex Adjustment (SFA) arms whose flex characteristics are adjustable using optional carbon fiber plates – a feature typically known to 1/8th off-road buggies.

XRAY T4 2014 loaded

XRAY T4 2014 All-new Specs

  • All-new chassis design
  • All-new top deck design
  • All-new suspension holders
  • All-new suspension bushings
  • All-new arm design
  • All-new smart SFA (Suspension Flex Adjustment)
  • All-new motor mount
  • All-new layshaft bulkheads
  • All-new alu steering plate
  • All-new shock spring harnesses
  • Improved traction
  • Improved steering characteristics

XRAY T4 top chassis