Proline Jeep Cherokee SCX10 body

May 10, 2010

Proline Cherokee body

Proline has released a Axial SCX10 1992 Jeep Cherokee, one of the best looking and most detailed body Proline Racing has came out with. Proline captured the overall essence of the Jeep Cherokee complete with detailed grill, headlights, body molding trim, and that overall distinct Jeep Cherokee look, all you classic truck enthusiasts will not want to be left behind.

Proline Jeep Cherokee, rear.

Proline Cherokee Features

  • Clear Lexan 1992 Jeep Cherokee Body
  • 1992 Jeep Cherokee decal sheet
  • Window mask included
  • Paint-then-peel overspray film included

Parts #: 3321-00 – 1992 Jeep Cherokee proline racing body
MSRP: $34.00