All I have to say is that you dudes all need to chill. Skymaxx, you are totally out of line in my opinion. That big huge ramble of stupidity baffles me..... Why do you care what other people do in this forum? It has nothing to do with you and shouldn't matter to you. Now you can attack me with some big huge speech of bad things about me if you want, but it really won't matter to me. I really think that we are all mature enough to quit the stupid fights over stupid things and remember why we got into this hobby in the first place. I know I got into it for the pure fun of building and racing my rc cars. I found out about this forum and started frequenting it because it is one of the better ones out there, and most of the people were honest and did not start stupid little fights like this. I come to this forum to help others and find help for myself on anything and all things rc related. And when people like you skymaxx think that they have to keep others in check, it totally drains all of the fun right out of it.