gun control?

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This has got to be the all-time classic comeback. Note: This is an exact replication of National Public Radio(NPR)interview between a female broadcaster, and US Army General Reinwald who was about to sponsor a Boy Scout Troop visiting his military installation.

INTERVIEWER: " So, General Reinwald, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?"

GENERAL REINWALD: 'We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery, and shooting."

INTERVIEWER: "Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?"

GENERAL REINWALD: "I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range."

INTERVIEWER: "Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?"

GENERAL REINWALD: "I don't see how, ....we will be teaching them proper rifle range discipline before they even touch a firearm."

INTERVIEWER: " But you're equipping them to become violent killers."

GENERAL REINWALD: "Well, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're not one, are you?"

The radio went silent and the interview ended!
The news media is packed full with a bunch of commies LOL.

Both me and my brother were taught by my dad to shoot the proper way. It is something that we all do till this day. I maybe crazy but I'm not a killer...stories like this make me go insane. The one story was when Rosie O'donald ambushed Tom Selleck on her talk show, she is way anti-gun and he is a member and supporter of the NRA. Rosie doesn't want you or me to be able to protect ourselves and our families but its ok for her 350lb body guard to cary a firearm...what a F'n Hypocrite.

Rosie the Hipo-Crite
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I have never seen such an underhanded abuse of notoriety, for a personal agenda. Unprofessional ass, she was.

Rosie, the master of her own destiny. Where is she now? She jumped up with a holy than thou attitude. It bit her in the ass. Such sweet justice.

I watched that the day it aired. I have never been so pissed. I do however have to hand it to Tom. He got visually upset, but never once truly lost his cool. SHe hounded him over and over and over.

She didn't have the guts to invite anyone on a debate. Let's talk about your new movie on tomorrow's show. Then slam, your a baby killer. Grrrph.

My children, all of them. They know what firearms can do. They've all fired one. They didn't learn from T.V. My son at 9 had his own made for child, single shot 22 mag.

They learned from me and their mother. They without a doubt KNOW the power of firearms. They have a healthy respect for what they can do.

Don't fear the ones who are know how to use weapons, and know the finality of pulling a trigger.

Fear the ones who's only experience with a gun has been "terminator", etc. Every day they see their favorite stars get shot, drop to the ground, and walk around like nothing happened. They have no idea what really happens when you pull a trigger.

My son 12 now, will say during a movie "no way he would get up after that", "I've seen what they can do"

There is no question in my childs mind what happens when you pull the trigger of a loaded weapon. He has a healthy respect, and to some extent a fear of what they can do.
My daughter at 4 years old knows to. I can have mine out and she will tell me everytime to be careful because I can get hurt. Granted she has never shot a gun yet, but she is smart enough not to mess with one. Although I do keep mine locked up in my gun cabinet. I think that all the sugar from the ho hos and oatmeal pies are going to her big fat ass head. We will put are guns away when she puts the ding dongs away.:thankyou:
now that's funny....

I agree with you guys I was taught at a young age what to and what not to do with guns I was also taught how to properly Handle and shoot one, and I fully aware of what any gun will do...

You should see one of my friends around guns He will pick them up and play with them etc... He tried that once at my house (gun wasn't loaded but...) and I promptly Chewed his ass out and kicked him out of the room.. He now knows not to go in that room anymore or touch any gun around me unless he does it properly and gets permission first...
I aswell was taught propery fire arm safety at a young age. Many of times has my father came home from work to find his .45 hand gun laying on the bed disarmed and locked in "inspection" with the clip beside it. I done it to get the holster then gun was in for my play gun. He felt it was good that I knew how to disarm and properly put it down but still worried him to death so he bought me my own holster, lol

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