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  1. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    Well guys I hate to say it, but it looks like I am done with racing at least for this season, after watching 5150 patients in the ER for 40 hours at my new security job I am just to tired to do anything that requires lots of concentration, That the only track that I even remotely enjoy is the...
  2. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    Or maybe not, LOL!!!! I might take a look just to see what it looks like, but racing on the computer with a controller VS. real life are two completely different things IMO or at least that is how it feels to me.:\
  3. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    Just took over second place on the Speedway, probably won't last, LOL!!!! and I was like a 10th of a second from turning another lap, Damn pit stops and couple of bad laps killed me, other then that I was pretty consistent.
  4. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    With working on getting and now having the new job I have not had time to sit and race, or when I do I am just to damn tired from all of the running around I have been doing in the extreme Sacramento heat.
  5. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    That sucks Bro, Hope you do better on your last run:whhooo:
  6. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    Hell yeah Speedway time again!!!!
  7. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    LMAO!!!!!! That would suck...:D
  8. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    X2 maybe i will be able to get my lap time down a little more running just the speedway.:D
  9. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    I am in for the a speedway season for sure, as for the road courses it is hard to practice the road courses when you truly do not enjoy driving them, if I at least liked running the road courses i might practice them, but I really just don't enjoy it at all, I like just hauling ass, and if the...
  10. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    I feel exactly the same way Joe, so I know where you are coming from:whhooo:, to me the only place a on road car would be for me is in a big A$$ parking lot where I can just haul A$$ and have fun, guess that is why I like off road and crawling so much...:D
  11. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    Not likely I do really bad on the road courses.:whhooo:
  12. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    Well being as I suck on pretty much any of the tracks it really does not matter to me what tracks you use or how you set it up, I don't ever plan on finishing the series in the top 3, LOL!!!!
  13. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

  14. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    AARRRGGGGG!!!! I knew I should have left well enough alone, but no I had to run on last time and all I did was bump Joe and Lloyd up a spot and myself down 2 spots, oh well sh!t happens, freaking AI cars had it out for me on my last run and I had 1 really bad pit stop.
  15. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    I will have to wait and see what everyone else does:D
  16. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    My second run 2. Run July 15, 2010 [12:44] 125 Laps 16:02.0and I got hacked several times.
  17. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    The first time I ran this track i pitted about half way through and finished with out any problem or running out of fuel. But then again I am not turning as many laps as you guys are either.
  18. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    X988776654433221 On road racing just aint my cup of tea.:(
  19. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    Go for it, all you got to loose it a couple of positions, LOL!!!!!:D:hehe::p:
  20. abadk9420

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    Yay for the AI cars, LOL!!! JK!!