Hey Hunter,
My deepest sympathies go out to you for being ousted from the very prestigious "Traxxas Puppet Club". I am very sorry to hear that Mommy and Pappa decided you were no longer worthy of being a member of the Suck Up family, as you got caught red handed telling people that there might be a better way. How dare you state the truth so obviously. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?? I can only hope, that some how you will find some meaning in life, after the traumatic experience you have been through.
Enough of the condolences, as I don't wish to injure you any more, by bringing up those horrible memories of finding out that that you have been thrown out of the house by Mom and Dad, because you weren't thinking like you should of, and you didn't ask permission to state the obvious.
I have noticed, that some of the strings that they have attached to some of there puppets, are very long indeed, As it appears as if at least a couple of the members of the "Traxxas Suck Up Puppet Club" have migrated over here to see if they could hang out in both camps. I have read some of their past posts on the Puppet Forum, that only make my stomach start convulsing to the point, that I have to fight the urge to throw up all over my keyboard. Such as " Mommy? Did I say that good enough for you" and "Mommy, if there is anything else you want me to say, just let me know, OK?" Just typing those words, was enough to make me feel like I just swallowed a quart of ipecac.
Anyways, just wanted to let you know that your singing to a Choir thats bigger then you know. Take care man, and HELLO EVERYONE!! (Just thought I would say that on my first post."
P.S. Mods, please do not delete or edit my post, unless you get a note from your Mom.