tires what to get

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hi i just got 4 new rims and i want new tires to go with that

ill run in grass baseball field like dirt gravel asphalt and tacky dirt

people suggested to me the proline maxx bow ties but i just want to get a cuople more apions before i go spending $60 on tires that i dont like thanks again

As an all around different surfaces tire, I am using Pro-Line Maxx Mashers and I love em.

BTW what rims did you get?
i got pro-line monster claws witht the off-set
I would have to agree that the mashers would work well for you.
I use the stock tires for all around use.
Use a set of good stiff aftermarket foam incerts. and they do real well.
Take a look at the Mulchers by ProLine. As an all around, off road tire, I dont think you can get much better. Mashers are good as well. Just look at the mulchers and see what you think.
Originally posted by NCNitro
As an all around different surfaces tire, I am using Pro-Line Maxx Mashers and I love em.

BTW what rims did you get?
I would have to agree with the mashers, I love mine. I am looking into seeing if I can get a set of tires they have on the new Savage 21, those look really cool beans!!!
I run Mashers on Monster Claws and love them.

The new Big Joes by Proline for their 40 series tires/rims look nice and J-Hawgs also look nice.

All around good performance though, you can't go wrong with the Mashers.
First I used wirecutters to cut the bulk of the lug off. Then I used the large course grit sanding drum till I got closer to the main rubber of the tire. Finished them off with a fine grit drum.

Be advised to wear goggles and mask as it is very messy and you'll breath in the dust from the rubber you grind off without the mask on.