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The end of the Maxx?

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Lexington, KY, USA
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  1. Bashing

Well HPI has now officially jumped on the band wagon of Monster Trucks with their annoucement of the HPI Savage 21.

The Savage 21 is equipped with a Nitro Star 21BB rear exhaust big block as power plant, 2speed tranny with a reverse upgrade available, full-time 4WD, 8 oil-filled shocks, sealed bearings, and a 3 channel radio.

Not to mention almost 2 inches wider then and longer then the T-MAXX, but still compatible with T-Maxx body, wheels and tires!

The Savage 21 comes factory assembled, even the tires are glued to the wheels. The Savage 21 is expected to hit the streets under $500

For more info and pics of this beast, click here

Hey Woodie is that good info about the price that low? below 500.00 because towerhobbies is showing them at ... Hold the presses last saturday they were 678.99 now the RTR is priced at the low low price of 439.99 on tower Tower link jUST FOUND ANOTHER LINK that is sweet
Now someone just find a price of the new T-maxx and then lets find them blow out sales for the T-maxx ver 1.0 X

:banana: :banana: Stormer Hobbies 449.99
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Hey Woodie, the wife said she'll get me one for christmas. WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO, here have a :banana: Thats how I will look on Christmas morning. Wow two Ts, an RS4 3, and soon a SAVAGE. Life is good.
I'm still thinking Traxxas just might still put out a 1/8th scale. Although, I must say, this truck looks mighty nice. Didnt Kyosho just put theirs out too?

Onward with my SuperMaxx. Funding starts now hehehe

I'm getting the Impact M2 by Serpent for Christmas - wife already put it on the list :banana: Short list too hehehehe
Ahh the wives

Man I did the same thing today I told the Wife I was gonna pre-order a New truck today. For an X-mass gift, I am so lucky I start that x-mas gifts in october and then she always gets me cool stuff anyway. Same way with B-day.
She wonders why I don't want kids cause I like using her check for toys for me not for dipers. This will be me for about a wekk in November:bored: eyes falling out of head from not being able to sleep becasue I will be all giddy like a little kid. Wait I am a little kid trapped in 28 year old body. Life is good boys life is good. X

:banana: :banana:
I love to hate HPI because all of their kits are so cool I always want one. I might try and get one for Christmas!!
i`m wondering if the improved T-Maxx is nothing more than that....and we are still waiting for the new member of the Maxx family to be revieled.the release earlier this year said a new member,i can hope can't i?
Well if they are doing that they better announce it soon and not keep it hush hush or they are gonna loose a ton of sales to the SAVAGE! I am definately getting the Savage when its released, I'm not gonna sit around and wait to see what Traxxas is gonna do. HPI told us a good 3+ months before its release, enough time to put a little away each week so when its here..BAM you got it with no big dent in the wallet :D. If Traxxas is gonna do a 1:8 .21 it would be in there best interest to tell us.
Yeah about a week or so ago, but its just the new version of the 1:10 scale maxx. I was hoping for a 1:8 .21, so thats why I am getting a Savage.