Thats a beautiful gym!!! That floor is almost as shiny as my head!
...Almost!!! I bet those marks you left buffed right out!
Our HS gym had a rubberized coat on it... sort of squishy but hard enough to hold indoor track on...
This was PERFECT for RC!!!! I was NOT allowed to run my rc on that gym floor!!!
I won my 1st ever trophey running on a polished wood floor in Medford Ma HS.
Turbo Optima with pin spikes actually hooked up decent and I ran great!!!
@Brady Matthews , def get your school on board with the idea first. Then you'll know what sort of things you should be focusing on.
Another idea I had was to start rounding up a pile of craptasitic tools.
Ppl will break stuff and you'll be teaching ppl how to repair.
Lots of young ppl won't have tools.
If you get this club going, contact local hobby shops and tracks.
My local track sells used pin spikes... CHEAP!. Not great for carpet racing anymore but perfect... Hobby shops and racers build rc's all day and collect all sorts of random allen keys, parts and more. Maybe for a mention on your club's flyers, they'd take up a collection to donate.
Folks might have other stuff to offer too.
Any hobby shop owner with even a tiny bit of functioning brain could see tge HUGE bennefits of welcoming an entire new young generation of rc'rs into the hobby!!! Tracks too!!!
You could sell it to them like that too!!!
( Use the part about the new young generation, not the tiny functioning brains part.
A class trip to the local R/C track instead of math???? Where do I sign???
Kids would prob really enjoy this even if they still have to go to math.
If you are allowed to let it get big, this idea could really take off!!!