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One small comment and then they go back on the hook...

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  1. Bashing
Last night Matts exercised his freedom speech in a rather incoherent fashion involving a 1500 charater long fragment made up of curse words and the letter U. I sent a reply back, and since he won't take the time to read it...

Well here it is...then I'm back to my silence in this forum...



Your idiotic tirade does nothing more than prove my point. If you can't take a little friendly ribbing, then you need to take a careful look at yourself.

As for my Naval career, I am still in. I do not use that as any excuse to abuse anyone. I simply defend my career and military service in general rather vehemently. Without the military and without its forefathers the militia-men of old, the freedom for you to spout off in an incoherent manner would not exist. The freedom of speech that we all are priveleged to enjoy might not be ours to have these wonderful conversations with.


As for anybody out there beating me up, it has been tried and failed in the past. You need to be armed with a gun or bigger than my 6'4" 240 pound body. To date most people don't threaten physical harm let alone back up any empty threat of such.

As for why I pick on you of all people, the reasons are numerous. Most of them stem from your blissful ignorance when it comes to the fact that no one wants to read your non-commital replies in any thread. Your opinion wavers like the wind. That may be your right, but it is my right to not like it and my freedom to voice my opinion. If you don't like it, complain as you have been to the admin, mods, and to me.

Part III

When you chatted almost intelligently with me a week ago, I was willing to cut you every bit of slack available. In fact I had pretty much left you alone, and would have gladly done so indefinitely...but then I stumbled on your slam of the military. That is a subject I am particularly pationate about, and felt compelled to reply. If you didn't like the response, you shouldn't have opened your mouth.

Will I leave you alone? If that is your desire, then consider it done. I am getting tired of wasting time on you anyway. As Hunter has pointed out, there is no point in beating a target like yourself. You are beneath my notice from this point forward. I am no longer going to go out of my way to find you; hell I may not even notice you on the board. If our paths cross by chance, then I will leave you alone. I'll keep my opinion of you to myself and only voice it when prompted and only in the 800 club.

Part IV...last part

What can I expect from you in return? Probably nothing. Until you get more maturity behind you; until you learn to type and use proper grammar and English; until you grow a spine; until you manage to stand up on your own two feet and make a valuable contribution; your posts will now and always suck. People's opinion of you will continue to be that you are of the lowest caliber of person possible. You will always be ridiculed by me and others who think like me; and believe me, there are more of me than there are of you.

Don't bother responding to this...you will be ignored.

I only make this post so that he can read it, and you all can formulate your own opinions. Peace out...
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Alright All you sukcas pay up told you 20.00 a person send cash only ha had didn't even last a day... X -xmas- -xmas-
I don't think too many people are going to read your post. There's a thing they taught us in school, paragraphs. They are there to give your reader a little break between your jibberish. It also helps the reader track where they are in the jibberish.
Originally posted by matts6887
Well; ok; heres hopefully the last thing I will say on this and this IS NOT I say again IS NOT a suck up or anything like that. Basically; I dont want to go on for however long members stay at these forums which will hopefully be a long time hating one another like this. If you are joking with someone like me by lightly ribbing on and things like that, that is one thing.

But its another to cross that line and get into the serious non necessary harassing and the being rude, etc etc. We, as members came over here from some other forums which I'm not going to mention the name of, because we wanted a enviroment that was looser, had a bit more freedom to express ourselves as needed, and just in general a more fun and nicer place to be.

Well; I would really like it to stay that way and like Fasteddy kinda mentioned elsewhere on here; lets all just try and get thing back to the normal forums we were expecting when we first joined. Lets just all try to have some fun ok? I'm not here because I want to be harassed or anything, but again; if its a joke, thats fine, joking around a bit here in the general chaos area is fine to me, in fact I dont mind a little joking around because without that life would be very boring and very dull. It just adds a little something to everyday life.

But just make sure that if u have something thats serious harassment, please just keep it off these forums ok?? I'm not asking much, I just want to go back to having fun the way things were close to when the forums first started back near the end of July.

I just like everyone else I'm sure wants this to be a fun, informative, and as helpful as possible forums as possible. Whether it be from joking around here or answering someone elses ? that that need help on. Thats what this forum(s) are/is suppose to be about. Lets just all try to get back to things the way they were quite awhile back.

And what I am saying is here is on my honor the 100% truth. This is NOT a joke of any shape or form whatsoever. I seriously mean this. As for the difference between something said thats just a joke and something thats seriously harassing etc, well just come out and say so because the reality of it is; quite a few times its not always the easiest thing to tell whether someone is joking or whether someone is serious.

I dont know what more I can say other than I just hope you will just try for a moment at least to put youself in my spot and see how it would feel if all that people did was SERIOUSLY harass you for nothing. That is where I am trying to come from here. I want to resolve this once and for all PERIOD Ok? I dont want to go through for the next who knows how long as being a member and continuing to hate one another; and EP, Skymaxx, and NC, and the others that think I am joking about this and that I wont follow through with it, well I will. I am absolutely 100% Dead freaking serious about this. I mean I just want to have FUN and get back to being at least a little friendly other than the joking posts, etc of course, Please I'm only asking you hopefully just this once to try and accept this and to try and understand where I am coming from. I will do whatever is necessary to at least try and make up for any and all wrongdoings even If I can't get them all done. I also sincerely appologize for anything and I do mean anything I may have possibly done to offend. And yes Intend on watching how I word things, etc., etc. Sorry for being sooo long and winded, but I just want you to try and understand about this whole crapped up situation.
What? Can you say that in 1 sentence please? You lost me.
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Hey Sky - I bet I could whoop your ass!

Matts - Dont even go there - I KNOW I can whoop your ass!

Matts, I never "harrassed" you. But merely said the things that many other people were thinking, as did Sky and El. Its your waffling back and forth, and brown nosing that brought all this on you in the first place. Wake up man, the truth hurts sometimes.
Originally posted by matts6887
We, as members came over here from some other forums which I'm not going to mention the name of

Just say the holy moly bloody name, the TRAXXAS forum:classic:
I think all of you need to chill out. Its an rc forum, made for people that need help with their rc stuf, or for people to talk and share knowledge of the hobby itself. All of this crap is sickening, I'm 15 years old and i can see the immaturity here. I think we all need to look at what this forum is all about, and stop putting people down or picking on people for stupid reasons. We all have the right to say whatever we want on these forums, but i also think we all have the common sense to know if its appropriate or not. I just think we need to stop all the stupid fights and get back to whats rc is all about, fun. Its sad to see that some of you have forgotten that.
SkyMaxx you call that small??? I would hate to see long;)
Originally posted by kyle5050
I think all of you need to chill out. Its an rc forum, made for people that need help with their rc stuf, or for people to talk and share knowledge of the hobby itself. All of this crap is sickening, I'm 15 years old and i can see the immaturity here. I think we all need to look at what this forum is all about, and stop putting people down or picking on people for stupid reasons. We all have the right to say whatever we want on these forums, but i also think we all have the common sense to know if its appropriate or not. I just think we need to stop all the stupid fights and get back to whats rc is all about, fun. Its sad to see that some of you have forgotten that.

Bravo Kyle! You're wise beyond your years!!
Fett....why agree with something that starts with,
"I think all of you need to chill out."

it seems to be aimed at all.