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RCTalk Talkaholic
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RC Driving Style
  1. Bashing
  2. Racing
Ok i found this fun game and you get to make the line, adn then you get to control the bike and ride on the line you made!!
its really fun.
the cool thing is that you can make a level and if you think its cool it gives you a long code that you can paste up here on rcbros and then other people can copy and paste the code into there game and play on your level!

heres my code, you can try my level.
on the first jump u can get in one backflip, and then on the second jump you can do a tripple backflip or a double frontflip. and the third ump was just me being bored. go slow on the 3rd jump, and watch your brakes, there sensative!!
Good luck!

press the little open folder and then after you have copyed the code you can paste it in there and load up anybodys level.
Put this code in:

-1i,1i,1i,1i 1i,1i,2e,1h 2e,1h,35,1b 35,1b,40,v 40,v,4k,i 4k,i,50,3 50,3,58,-h 58,-h,bc,5u bc,5u,h9,bc h9,bc,lf,d0 lf,d0,ps,dc ps,dc,s7,de s7,de,uo,da uo,da,10l,cs 10l,cs,11s,cd 11s,cd,12v,bu 12v,bu,141,b7 150,9v,15b,91 15b,91,15e,8d 141,b7,14k,ah 14k,ah,150,9v 184,cs,18i,fo 18i,fo,19o,ja 19o,ja,1b5,m8 1b5,m8,1cu,pe 1cu,pe,1fs,rv 1fs,rv,1ij,tg 1ij,tg,1ls,uo 1ls,uo,1qf,100 1qf,100,1so,109 1so,109,1v8,10b 1v8,10b,208,108 208,108,21i,vv 21i,vv,22b,vd 22b,vd,22t,ul 22t,ul,22v,ub 22v,ub,251,u9 22h,va,230,ub 25m,10a,275,13s 275,13s,2a8,170 2a8,170,2dn,19m 2dn,19m,2is,1b1 2is,1b1,2ll,1b1 2ll,1b1,2m8,1b0 #

to share your code, press the picture of the floppy drive, and then press copy, and then you can put it up here like i did.

key board short cuts,
ctl = move tool
shift = make a strait line to where your mouse is from the red cross hairs.

the button above the ? make your track 3d, looks cool!
and you can erase with the eraser if u mess up!
Have Fun!
make some cool tracks!!

So here is a link to the game, .swf

I just pulled a quad flip on my level above!!!!!!!!!!
took me a while

I'm gonna put allt he tracks made int he first post that way its nice and ez to play em all. ill try to put them up in the first post lol
probably loose track if alot of people start making them.

technical - dirtfreak15
-1i,1i,1i,1i 9,1l,19,1f 19,1f,1p,13 1i,1i,2n,-g 2n,-g,49,-g 1p,13,28,j 49,-g,4m,b 4m,b,7p,b 7p,b,c5,-31 c5,-31,co,-4f co,-4f,f6,-4g fl,-2m,k7,-3 k7,-3,ob,-2 ob,-2,q9,-b q9,-b,r8,-s rv,-1i,sa,-24 r8,-s,rv,-1i sa,-24,sf,-2g sf,-2g,sl,-2v sl,-2v,106,-30 109,-2b,15u,-5n 19j,-46,1hc,-s 1hc,-s,1k3,-a 1k3,-a,1mh,-5 1mh,-5,1oa,-5 1oa,-5,1qn,-6 1qn,-6,1sk,-e 1sk,-e,1u0,-n 1u0,-n,1vc,-10 1vc,-10,20m,-19 20m,-19,223,-1l 223,-1l,234,-24 232,-22,254,-39 254,-39,276,-4h 276,-4h,293,-69 293,-69,29r,-76 29r,-76,2af,-87 2af,-87,2ao,-8r 2ao,-8r,2ci,-8u 2ci,-8u,2gh,-51 2gh,-51,2lp,-l 2lp,-l,2p4,1 2p4,1,2sq,8 2sq,8,2ur,7 2ur,7,2vs,1 2vs,1,30l,-8 30l,-8,315,-m 31i,-18,31l,-1j 31l,-1j,343,-1k 315,-m,31d,-t 31d,-t,31i,-18 34i,r,374,1i 374,1i,39u,2p 39u,2p,3ca,3u 3ca,3u,3e3,4c 3e3,4c,3en,4c 3ej,4h,3h3,4f 3h3,4f,3k6,4e 3k6,4e,3mi,3t 3mi,3t,40j,16 40j,16,454,-4 454,-4,484,-17 484,-17,49v,-2m 49v,-2m,4b2,-46 4b2,-46,4df,-6f 4df,-6f,4fr,-8k 4fr,-8k,4hu,-a8 4hu,-a8,4ka,-b3 4ka,-b3,4nf,-c8 4nf,-c8,4pi,-dc #4pi,-em 4pp,-fc 4q4,-eb 4q0,-dn 4qu,-fn 4r2,-et 4ru,-e7 4s4,-df 4s8,-ft 4to,-g0 4so,-er 4ts,-eq 4uu,-e4 4tv,-cp 4vj,-f0 505,-e6 4vf,-d8 4vr,-cv 505,-de 4vs,-cf

Speed + huge jump - Rustlerboi
9a,1s,-1i,1p -9,fk,4,l6 -1i,ku,51,l1 4t,o,3a,1n 5j,-b,a0,22 5l,-e,4t,o 51,l1,65,k1 9t,1v,gc,5u m5,7t,c5,4g up,ah,m5,7t qb,hi,13t,t0 uo,af,1ce,dm 1ce,dm,1eb,dj 1eb,dn,1fq,d7 1fq,d7,1h2,cm 1h1,cl,1ig,bc 1ig,bc,1jn,9j 1kj,7a,1l6,3u 1jn,9j,1kj,7a 1l8,3u,1ma,6p 1ma,6p,1p1,bp 1ot,be,1pg,ck 1pg,ck,1tc,gt 1tc,gt,22c,kf 22c,kf,278,mg 278,mg,2fm,o7 2fm,o7,2nb,oa 2na,oa,2rn,n8 2rn,n8,2u5,lo 2u7,lo,2vd,jv 2vd,jv,301,ht 322,pr,33v,uc 33v,uc,35h,104 35h,104,3a5,137 3a5,137,3dj,14i 3dj,14i,3jb,16m 3jb,16m,3o7,17i 3o7,17i,3vl,17p 3vm,17r,43h,17b 43k,17d,46e,16j 46j,16j,48k,155 48k,155,4a0,13i 4ar,12e,4bc,10d 4a5,13l,4ar,12e 4bh,rc,4bc,is 4bk,tq,4bh,rc 4bc,10d,4bk,tq 4b0,143,4et,1cj #-l,-3p

Downhill madness - Dirtfreak15
-1i,1i,1i,1i 1i,1i,2a,1k 2a,1k,36,1v 35,1v,81,50 81,50,br,6a br,6a,fg,75 fg,75,h9,76 ih,75,jd,74 h9,76,hj,6t hj,6t,i1,6q i1,6q,ia,70 ia,70,ij,75 jd,74,lt,75 ls,75,me,bv me,bv,s1,bv s1,bv,sr,h1 sr,h3,130,h1 12v,h1,13u,km 13v,km,17m,nv 17m,nv,1au,qn 1au,qn,1d9,sb 1d9,sb,1fo,t3 1fo,t3,1h1,t6 1h1,t6,1ii,t3 1ii,t3,1ja,sm 1ja,sm,1kh,rt 1kh,rt,1m9,pq 1m8,pq,1sm,136 1sl,134,1tg,142 1tg,142,207,154 207,154,22c,159 22c,159,22r,157 22r,157,23j,150 23j,150,24t,14h 27g,15d,2bo,17m 2bo,17m,2dq,18n 2dq,18n,2ig,1aa 2ig,1aa,2l6,1ae 2l5,1af,2mg,1ag 2mg,1ag,2o4,1a7 2o4,1a7,2pj,19h 2sd,1b6,31m,1di 31m,1di,35a,1ec 35a,1ec,37b,1ej 37b,1ej,38e,1el 38e,1el,399,1el 399,1el,39f,1ec 39f,1ec,39r,1eb 39r,1eb,3ab,1eh 3ab,1eh,3c0,1ek 3bv,1ek,3e3,1ek 3eg,1hf,3ku,1ib 3ko,1id,3mr,1i8 3mr,1i8,3pg,1hq 3pg,1hq,3rs,1gh 3tn,1g2,44t,1e9 44n,1ed,4c8,1ca 4c8,1ca,4ed,1bd 4ed,1bd,4fv,1aa 4fv,1aa,4h6,192 4h3,195,4m0,140 #4no,11q 4od,12c 4nl,12i 4ok,12k 4p6,11r 4q7,11n 4q7,11v 4q9,130 4pg,134 4ql,12l 4qf,13l 4pn,12h 4rr,126 4rb,12o 4r1,135 4rk,13j 4rn,149 4sc,13t 4sh,135 4sa,12r

Backflip world lol - Rustlerboi
-1i,1i,1i,1i 1i,1i,2p,1s 2p,1s,51,2l 51,2l,84,44 85,44,9q,51 9q,51,b4,65 b4,65,c3,7b c3,7b,eo,bg eo,bg,i7,i4 i7,i4,mo,s4 mo,s4,rm,174 rl,173,10m,1gl 10m,1gl,14f,1ll 14d,1lk,191,1p9 191,1p9,1c0,1ql 1c0,1ql,1g0,1ri 1g1,1ri,1jq,1rf 1jq,1rf,1lq,1r1 1lq,1r1,1p1,1pp 1p1,1pp,1r7,1o4 1r7,1o4,1s6,1mn 1s6,1mn,1su,1kv 1su,1kv,1ta,1j4 1vr,1sp,237,235 237,235,26p,284 26p,284,2c9,2fv 2c9,2g0,2hd,2le 2hc,2lf,2lu,2pi 2lu,2pi,2t4,2tp 2t4,2tp,321,2up 321,2up,38n,2v0 38n,2v2,3el,2ua 3el,2ua,3jt,2sc 3ju,2sc,3mp,2qm 3mp,2qm,3oc,2oe 3ou,2mk,3om,2j2 3oc,2oe,3ou,2mk #

Stary Peak of Death - Dirtfreak15
-1i,1i,1i,1i 1i,1i,b6,1k b3,1j,lk,1i lk,1i,13m,1j 13m,1j,1dh,1a 1dh,1a,1pc,k 1pc,k,23e,1 23e,1,2et,-m 2et,-m,2q4,-1c 2q4,-1c,2vm,-1r 2vm,-1r,342,-2m 342,-2m,36u,-39 36u,-39,3c2,-4n 3c2,-4n,3fi,-61 3fi,-61,3k9,-83 3k9,-83,3nl,-9r 3nl,-9r,3pn,-bj 3pn,-bj,3td,-f8 3td,-f8,3vh,-hh 3vh,-hh,415,-jk 415,-jk,42f,-lu 42f,-lu,43c,-oa 43r,-qi,44f,-va 44f,-va,45d,-rq 43c,-oa,43r,-qi 45c,-ru,461,-p3 461,-p3,47d,-l0 47d,-l0,49b,-fv 49b,-fv,4b5,-cn 4b5,-cn,4de,-97 4de,-97,4hg,-5o 4hg,-5o,4jv,-4b 4jv,-4b,4qm,-11 #43v,-17j 441,-168 443,-14u 444,-12t 444,-13s 44a,-11o 44d,-10m 4r3,-16 4s0,-l 4si,-b 4t6,2 4tq,f 4ue,u 4v2,1b 4vk,1o 50f,2e 51i,31 527,3g 533,42 53o,4k

U better make it! - Dirtfreak15
-1i,1i,1i,1i 1i,1i,3f,s 3f,s,4l,a 4l,a,59,-s 59,-s,8g,3c 8g,3c,a8,47 a8,47,d5,4c d5,4c,en,4b en,4b,gc,48 gc,48,hl,3l hl,3l,ig,2u ig,2u,jp,2t jp,2t,ju,4i ju,4i,ms,4g ms,4g,ri,76 ri,76,t3,83 t3,83,vl,94 vl,94,12s,9l 12s,9l,14u,9l 14u,9l,18v,9h 18v,9h,1b0,97 1b0,97,1cj,8k 1cj,8k,1dn,7v 1dn,7v,1ev,70 1ev,70,1f5,7h 1f5,7h,1f8,83 1f8,83,1fm,8g 1fm,8g,1gc,8l 1gc,8l,1h6,8j 1hv,7v,1i3,7d 1h6,8j,1hm,89 1hm,89,1hv,7v 1i3,7d,1i5,73 1i5,73,1km,7p 1km,7p,1mg,8m 1mg,8m,1o4,9h 1o4,9h,1qs,a1 1qs,a1,1tv,ab 1tv,ab,201,a8 201,a8,21i,9r 21i,9r,23b,99 23b,99,25i,7p 25i,7p,27j,6m 27j,6m,27i,7o 27i,7o,2b3,7q 2b3,7q,2b1,6p 2b1,6p,2fn,96 2fn,96,2i4,a8 2i4,a8,2jr,aj 2jr,aj,2nj,at 2nj,at,2qe,ap 2qe,ap,2rn,af 2rn,af,30n,81 30n,81,38s,3u 38s,40,38r,5s 38r,5s,39l,4u 39l,4u,3ae,5t 3ae,5t,3b9,4v 3b9,4v,3cc,60 3cc,60,3cp,4u 3cp,4u,3dv,66 3dv,66,3e7,51 3e7,51,3fa,68 3fo,4l,3p0,8a 3fa,68,3fn,4l 3ou,8b,3t2,9m 3t2,9m,3va,a5 3va,a5,41o,a1 41o,a1,44l,9f 44l,9f,45r,8p 45r,8p,46c,84 46c,84,478,ah 478,ah,47r,7u 47r,7u,4di,bj 4di,bj,4en,c3 4en,c3,4go,c7 4go,c7,4il,bl 4il,bl,4jt,b1 4jt,b1,4ko,a9 4ko,a9,4lk,9d 4lk,9d,4m9,9o 4m9,9o,4nv,8d 4o1,7r,4qo,69 4nv,8d,4o1,7r 4ps,8a,4oj,b2 #4rt,5q 4rf,69 4s7,75 4t6,64 4tj,5h 4sr,60 4sm,76 4tg,7j 4te,7t 4uk,5o 4uk,6v 4u5,7c 4u0,6h 4um,8i 4uk,9n 4vj,79 50q,6h 50f,8o 4vi,80 503,9d

Transition! use X - Rustlerboi
-1i,1i,1i,1i 1i,1f,20,1f 20,1f,2a,1c 2a,1c,2i,16 2i,16,2u,v 2u,v,37,q 3v,4,4b,-5 4b,-5,4n,-h 37,q,3h,f 3h,f,3v,4 67,-d,6e,-4 4n,-h,5d,-n 5d,-n,60,-j 60,-j,6d,-d 6e,-4,6j,2 6j,2,6o,b 6o,b,6u,i 6u,i,73,p 73,p,7b,11 7d,13,7r,1d 7r,1d,89,1l 89,1l,8k,1p 8k,1p,8v,20 8v,20,9d,26 9d,26,a0,2b a0,2b,ag,2e ag,2e,au,2f au,2f,bj,2f bj,2f,c3,2f c3,2f,ch,2f ch,2f,cn,2f cn,2f,d5,2f d6,2j,dm,2i dm,2i,e2,2f d6,2f,e3,2a fb,1k,fn,13 e3,2a,eh,25 eh,25,f3,1s f3,1s,fb,1k g3,7,g7,-5 g7,-5,ga,-g ga,-g,gc,-p gc,-p,gf,-12 gf,-12,gl,-18 gl,-18,h2,-1a h2,-1a,hm,-1d fn,13,fu,l fu,l,g3,7 hm,-1d,ii,-1c ii,-1c,j6,-1c j6,-1c,jf,-1d jf,-1d,k1,-1c k1,-1c,kr,-1b kr,-1b,l4,-19 l4,-19,lo,-17 lo,-17,m6,-t m6,-t,mn,-h mn,-h,n5,-6 n5,-6,nf,4 nf,4,np,g np,g,nv,s nv,s,oa,18 pc,4c,ra,6j ra,6j,rt,75 rt,75,sc,7g sc,7g,t0,7v t0,7v,tl,8b tl,8b,ub,8j ub,8j,va,8r va,8r,105,92 105,92,11b,97 11b,97,12p,9a 12p,9a,13o,9a 13o,9a,14m,90 14m,90,15d,8e 15d,8e,15s,7q 15s,7q,168,76 168,76,16o,6i 16o,6i,17o,60 17o,60,18m,5l 18m,5l,19v,5m 19v,5m,1b7,5q 1b7,5q,1c1,66 1c1,66,1cu,6n 1cu,6n,1dg,7a 1dg,7a,1e0,7t 1dv,7u,1ed,8d 1ed,8d,1et,93 1et,93,1fd,9p 1fd,9p,1fu,ai 1fu,ai,1gf,b0 1gf,b0,1hh,bd 1hh,bd,1j5,bp 1j5,bp,1ke,br 1ke,br,1lc,bo 1mb,b5,1mp,ae 1lc,bo,1mb,b5 1ml,nm,1mn,mt 1mm,oq,1ml,nm 1n2,9p,1na,95 1nd,93,1os,aj 1mp,ae,1n2,9p 1ni,pn,1mm,oq 1p5,qa,1ni,pn 1os,aj,1pm,bb 1pm,bb,1qa,bo 1qc,q8,1p5,qa 1qa,bo,1rf,ca 1sc,ps,1qc,q8 1rf,ca,1t1,cp 1uf,oo,1sc,ps 1t1,cp,1uo,d4 1vt,o4,1uf,oo 1uo,d4,1vq,d4 1vq,d4,20e,cv 21l,nk,1vt,o4 21a,ci,228,bs 20e,cv,21a,ci 22v,au,23g,a0 228,bs,22v,au 242,n7,21l,nk 23g,a0,24d,9f 24d,9f,24u,9c 25h,n7,242,n7 24u,9c,25p,97 25p,97,26l,97 282,n7,25h,n7 26l,97,286,9d 286,9d,290,9u 290,9u,29o,al 2ab,mu,282,n7 29o,al,2a4,bb 2a4,bb,2as,ck 2as,ck,2bd,do 2dq,ls,2ab,mu 2bd,do,2bl,ea 2bl,ea,2c8,fn 2c8,fn,2cu,g9 2cu,g9,2do,go 2do,go,2ek,gt 2fq,ks,2dq,ls 2ek,gt,2fo,h4 2fo,h4,2gc,gu 2gc,gu,2h9,gj 2h9,ke,2gi,kh 2gi,kh,2fq,ks 2il,e2,2j0,dt 2ho,g0,2i1,f8 2i1,f8,2i9,ej 2i9,ej,2il,e2 2h9,gj,2ho,g0 2j6,lg,2ii,kt 2ii,kt,2ht,kf 2ht,kf,2h9,ke 2j0,dt,2ji,e1 2ji,e1,2jv,ee 2jv,ee,2k6,eu 2k6,eu,2ka,ft 2ka,ft,2kd,g9 2k8,mb,2j6,lg 2lf,n3,2k5,m8 2kd,g9,2kg,go 2kg,go,2kv,hq 2kv,hq,2ln,iq 2ln,iq,2mr,jf 2ms,n3,2lf,n3 2mr,jf,2nv,jt 2pu,n0,2ms,n3 2nv,jt,2p0,k2 2p0,k2,2ri,k4 2qv,n0,2pu,n0 2ri,k4,2t7,k4 2s9,n0,2qv,n0 2t7,k4,2uv,k4 2up,mq,2tg,mu 2tg,mu,2s9,n0 2uv,k4,304,k0 2vu,mi,2up,mq 30v,ma,2vu,mi 32i,lb,31o,lu 31o,lu,30v,ma 335,jb,32u,km 32u,km,32i,lb #

Here's some more made by the people at
heres a technical course.

-1i,1i,1i,1i 9,1l,19,1f 19,1f,1p,13 1i,1i,2n,-g 2n,-g,49,-g 1p,13,28,j 49,-g,4m,b 4m,b,7p,b 7p,b,c5,-31 c5,-31,co,-4f co,-4f,f6,-4g fl,-2m,k7,-3 k7,-3,ob,-2 ob,-2,q9,-b q9,-b,r8,-s rv,-1i,sa,-24 r8,-s,rv,-1i sa,-24,sf,-2g sf,-2g,sl,-2v sl,-2v,106,-30 109,-2b,15u,-5n 19j,-46,1hc,-s 1hc,-s,1k3,-a 1k3,-a,1mh,-5 1mh,-5,1oa,-5 1oa,-5,1qn,-6 1qn,-6,1sk,-e 1sk,-e,1u0,-n 1u0,-n,1vc,-10 1vc,-10,20m,-19 20m,-19,223,-1l 223,-1l,234,-24 232,-22,254,-39 254,-39,276,-4h 276,-4h,293,-69 293,-69,29r,-76 29r,-76,2af,-87 2af,-87,2ao,-8r 2ao,-8r,2ci,-8u 2ci,-8u,2gh,-51 2gh,-51,2lp,-l 2lp,-l,2p4,1 2p4,1,2sq,8 2sq,8,2ur,7 2ur,7,2vs,1 2vs,1,30l,-8 30l,-8,315,-m 31i,-18,31l,-1j 31l,-1j,343,-1k 315,-m,31d,-t 31d,-t,31i,-18 34i,r,374,1i 374,1i,39u,2p 39u,2p,3ca,3u 3ca,3u,3e3,4c 3e3,4c,3en,4c 3ej,4h,3h3,4f 3h3,4f,3k6,4e 3k6,4e,3mi,3t 3mi,3t,40j,16 40j,16,454,-4 454,-4,484,-17 484,-17,49v,-2m 49v,-2m,4b2,-46 4b2,-46,4df,-6f 4df,-6f,4fr,-8k 4fr,-8k,4hu,-a8 4hu,-a8,4ka,-b3 4ka,-b3,4nf,-c8 4nf,-c8,4pi,-dc #4pi,-em 4pp,-fc 4q4,-eb 4q0,-dn 4qu,-fn 4r2,-et 4ru,-e7 4s4,-df 4s8,-ft 4to,-g0 4so,-er 4ts,-eq 4uu,-e4 4tv,-cp 4vj,-f0 505,-e6 4vf,-d8 4vr,-cv 505,-de 4vs,-cf

9a,1s,-1i,1p -9,fk,4,l6 -1i,ku,51,l1 4t,o,3a,1n 5j,-b,a0,22 5l,-e,4t,o 51,l1,65,k1 9t,1v,gc,5u m5,7t,c5,4g up,ah,m5,7t qb,hi,13t,t0 uo,af,1ce,dm 1ce,dm,1eb,dj 1eb,dn,1fq,d7 1fq,d7,1h2,cm 1h1,cl,1ig,bc 1ig,bc,1jn,9j 1kj,7a,1l6,3u 1jn,9j,1kj,7a 1l8,3u,1ma,6p 1ma,6p,1p1,bp 1ot,be,1pg,ck 1pg,ck,1tc,gt 1tc,gt,22c,kf 22c,kf,278,mg 278,mg,2fm,o7 2fm,o7,2nb,oa 2na,oa,2rn,n8 2rn,n8,2u5,lo 2u7,lo,2vd,jv 2vd,jv,301,ht 322,pr,33v,uc 33v,uc,35h,104 35h,104,3a5,137 3a5,137,3dj,14i 3dj,14i,3jb,16m 3jb,16m,3o7,17i 3o7,17i,3vl,17p 3vm,17r,43h,17b 43k,17d,46e,16j 46j,16j,48k,155 48k,155,4a0,13i 4ar,12e,4bc,10d 4a5,13l,4ar,12e 4bh,rc,4bc,is 4bk,tq,4bh,rc 4bc,10d,4bk,tq 4b0,143,4et,1cj #-l,-3p

there we go! This one flows pretty good so you can hold down full throttle LOL

This one is fun, just rip as many backflips as you can hahahaah.
-1i,1i,1i,1i 1i,1i,2p,1s 2p,1s,51,2l 51,2l,84,44 85,44,9q,51 9q,51,b4,65 b4,65,c3,7b c3,7b,eo,bg eo,bg,i7,i4 i7,i4,mo,s4 mo,s4,rm,174 rl,173,10m,1gl 10m,1gl,14f,1ll 14d,1lk,191,1p9 191,1p9,1c0,1ql 1c0,1ql,1g0,1ri 1g1,1ri,1jq,1rf 1jq,1rf,1lq,1r1 1lq,1r1,1p1,1pp 1p1,1pp,1r7,1o4 1r7,1o4,1s6,1mn 1s6,1mn,1su,1kv 1su,1kv,1ta,1j4 1vr,1sp,237,235 237,235,26p,284 26p,284,2c9,2fv 2c9,2g0,2hd,2le 2hc,2lf,2lu,2pi 2lu,2pi,2t4,2tp 2t4,2tp,321,2up 321,2up,38n,2v0 38n,2v2,3el,2ua 3el,2ua,3jt,2sc 3ju,2sc,3mp,2qm 3mp,2qm,3oc,2oe 3ou,2mk,3om,2j2 3oc,2oe,3ou,2mk #

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