Favorite food?

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Just curious to see what everyones favorite food is?

My Gf is Cambodian, so shes always bringing me asian food, and i have to say I LOVE singapore noodles. It has steak, chicken, eggs, some vegtables all mixed in with these noodles and curry.. Stuff is awesome!!

as far as junk food, I GOTTA say Beef Jerky!
This is a tough one because I really love food but here are my three favorites: Boudin (goes great with beer) home made cracklins (even better with beer) and fried Crawfish.

OK now everybody can laugh at the cajun LOL

Favorite junk food is fudge rounds!
i gotta say bbq....steaks,ribs smoked pork....but I'm with 4u2nv i love beefjerky...lol i was going to abriviate beefjerky with b.j but i know how we all think in here... i've been busy making my own b.j. and i love it maybe ill post some pics on my next batch this weekend
Boy, tough one. I guess if pressed, I'm a sucker for lamb chops. I make them with this honey/mint/mustard/horseradish glaze that is awesome. I also love salmon and can never refuse Veal Marsala.
As far as junk food? Hell, whatever's within arms reach.
Sushi...Nigiri style. Yum Yum. Actually any Sushi or Sashimi is tops in my book.

For a snack, I am a sucker for good jerky as well.
Tough call for me, I love food! Just about any kind of beef grilled on the BBQ would be my favorite. A nice thick NY strip, t-bone, or porterhouse steak. I have this killer marinade recipe I got from ImBroken, man this stuff is awesome!

My favorite junk food is Pizza, I make sure to have pizza at least once a week, especially since I moved to NY, since Florida pizza sucks!

oh yeah, and donuts, man I love those things!
I'm a steak-and-potato man, myself. Gimme a nice, thick porterhouse and a baked potato with butter, sour cream, bacon bits and cheese and man-oh-man, I'm set! Add a nice, cold Budweiser and I'm a pig in poop! My wife also makes a killer lasagna!

Junk food, I'm a sucker for pizza. Also like the beef jerkey and while it may be sacreligious, I do love the McDonalds fries!
I love sushi! I learned how to make it and it tastes pretty good, but I'm still workin on it. Burritos are amazing too! and.... A giant BBQ Bacon Cheesebuger sounds sooo good right now, even at 7:50am haha
I got to say anything my dad BBQ's. He can cook a mean stake. Junk food wise id have to go with old relyable, Pizza. I'm starting to get hooked on bbq chicken pizza which is killer.

Man this is tough.... I love most all kinds of food... except raw onions. I guess if I had to pick... I would say seafood is my favorite. I could sit down and put a hurtin on a bushel of Blue Crabs. I also love oysters. A really close second is any kind of steak on the grill.

Junk food... I have to say McDonalds fries, and Pizza.

I love sushi! I learned how to make it and it tastes pretty good, but I'm still workin on it.

Wait a minute, how do you "make" sushi? Isn't sushi just a fancy word for bait? :puke:
Sushi + Sapporo Beer = Heaven

OK. McDonald's fries has been mentioned twice in this thread. Now my mouth is watering and I will be going there for lunch today. Their fries are the best.
Tell me about it... I have a free coupon sitting on my desk for some of those fries..... I am thinking about making a run myself!

This is a tough one because I really love food but here are my three favorites: Boudin (goes great with beer) home made cracklins (even better with beer) and fried Crawfish.

OK now everybody can laugh at the cajun LOL

Favorite junk food is fudge rounds!

BEER is your favorite food!!!!

Oh yea ...mine too...;)

Sushi...Nigiri style. Yum Yum. Actually any Sushi or Sashimi is tops in my book.

For a snack, I am a sucker for good jerky as well.

+1 for SUSHI........best food on earth......with beer of course..;)
Just starting to develop my sushi palate. But I love spicy salmon roll. I also like California roll, but that's all cooked. I haven't really dug into nigiri yet, but there's a new sushi bar a few blocks from my office that is very good so I might just have to lunch there soon.
I'm sorry, but you sushi lovers are just weird. YUCK!

Gimme a big hunk of cooked cow and a an ice cold Budweiser and I'm a happy man!
I'm sorry, but you sushi lovers are just weird. YUCK!

Gimme a big hunk of cooked cow and a an ice cold Budweiser and I'm a happy man!

Think of it this way. Humans have been eating RAW food far longer than thay have been eating "Cooked" food. Dont get me wrong I love a good steak.....but I like it still bleeding.....

Once you put heat to food.....any food.... it loses some of its nutritianal value.

Besides SUSHI offers tastes and textures you cannot get anyplace else....and I am addicted to Wasabe..;)

You are not alone Monkey....my wife thiinks I am nuts...I eat Sushi twice a week if I can get away with it.....got my teenage boys into it as well....the bill is usaually astronomical when I take them.

Try it ....you might lkike it....and it will make you smarter. :LoL:

Just starting to develop my sushi palate. But I love spicy salmon roll. I also like California roll, but that's all cooked. I haven't really dug into nigiri yet, but there's a new sushi bar a few blocks from my office that is very good so I might just have to lunch there soon.

Try salmon sashimi.....like butter ...but better.........I used to only get a cali or Las vegas roll.....now I try it all.....dont like squid...to squishy.

But BBQ eel is the stuff......man is that good......and hamachi nigri styl hmm....off to lunch men.....sushi bar here I come!!!!
I like Italian food. And no, the pizza we have here does not count as being Italian. All that poop with 4 kinds of meat and cheese crust has gotta go.

Now give me a Ossobuco with mashed potatoes, or some veal Saltimbocca and I'm in heaven.

Fried veal liver with onions, peas and potatoes is another favorite. :yes:
Yea, I'm with ya Monkey, I don't like Sushi either. I will tell you though that my favorite food is some fresh Sweet Corn. holy mess can i eat some corn. I hold the family record for 24 ears in one sitting. Let just say i was shitting corn for the next 3 days.

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