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EP's Military Vets Thread

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El Pirata

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Active and Vets

There was one of these we had over at Paintball City that we had for vets to discuss everything we could think of that was related to our adventures military related and it ended up being the largest thread the site has ever seen, like 2,000 posts contained within that single thread. Anyway since our Traxxas thread turned into a military thread it prompted me to start this one. Now I bet this one will be slow starting but once the pump is primed the BS will flow!
Since the VA considers me a vet (for some reason) does that mean I get to play, even though I am still active...
BAck to the Hooah stuff, have you ever been throught SERE school? It's a major pain in the butt. I remember going through a week long school in Panama where I really enjoyed when we were captured and basically allowed to escape so they could track us down.

They didn't find me for several hours because I "Allowed" them to find me. Immediately after escaping I headed out to the ocean and body surfed for over an hour or so in full uniform then rinsed off in a stream and took a nap under a palm tree, which is where they found me.

I have a ton of fond memories of the jungles in Panama. Tons of fishing trips but I'll post those later when I get a feel the impulse.
Yes, I 've been to SERE school...no body surfing stories here, spent my time trudging around the Maine countryside in 3 feet of snow...winter SERE sucked.
Good idea for the thread. This should be fun reading:D
Not enough support...we've all been too busy bashing TRAXXAS to tell any good war stories...
I had an extremely hectic week. My unit is finally getting fielded but we had "loaner" equipment for over 10 years, almost 15 years actually. All the stuff we never had to worry about maintaining we are now responsible for maintaining is now going to have to be maintained to some sort of standard. The new manuals that are out state the weekly maintenance schedule but you would literally need hundreds of people to maintain it each end every week. It's going to be a cluster for sure.
Originally posted by Çh®i§tiªñ
Anyone here collect military firearms as well?

Are you talking about GUNS I dont think were allowed to have them here in CA.

Yeah I have a few.
Originally posted by El Pirata
I had an extremely hectic week. My unit is finally getting fielded but we had "loaner" equipment for over 10 years, almost 15 years actually. All the stuff we never had to worry about maintaining we are now responsible for maintaining is now going to have to be maintained to some sort of standard. The new manuals that are out state the weekly maintenance schedule but you would literally need hundreds of people to maintain it each end every week. It's going to be a cluster for sure.

Sounds like you are actually going to have to work for a living...j/k :)

I know how periodic maintenance works...our aircraft go through it, and it is a pain both administratively (where I get involved) and physically (where my personnel get involved doing the actual wrench turning). BUT a little PMS (Preventative Maintenance...not the other stuff) goes a long way.
OK a little story of whem I was in:)

We were down range having fun camping out so to speak you know what I mean. Well at was about 0300 were just sitting there when a M60 comes rolling up and stops about 150 meters out from us (the bad guy's for this outting). We knew he had to be lost why else would he be stopping so close to us and not firing on us, so we just wait and see what happens. Well the crew gets out and starts talks for 10 or 15 minutes then they climb back in and after another 10 minutes or so the lights go out and they hit the hey for the night. So were sitting there ( 3 of us ) and I say lets catch us a tank there is noway they are going to hear us coming there sleeping and all that armor around them its got to make it hard to hear whats going on out side. Well My Lt says they have to be locked down there is noway to get in at them so we should just leave and not try it, better safe then (fake) dead. So I tell him what do we have to loose and think how good you will look in front of the Captain with a tank and crew as prisoners. He thinks it over and say"s what do you have in mind??? I say we use there tools to keep them from moving or firing, so sneek up to the tank pull there tankers bars (big crow bars) off the fenders and I stuff one through one of the drive sprockets and track and the other one go's in the main gun. Two sticks for the MGs and were set. Or so we thought, well we take turns setting the tank waiting for them to wake up so we can take them prisoner like they are just going to come out and be cought yeah right. Its starts to get light out and we hear one yelling get off the tank from inside. Yeah we cought you, you come out and give up the Lt yells back at them. He yells back were not cought if were in here and your out there, dont make us run you over. So the Lt lets them know what we did and they could not move or shot there guns. They still wont come out now the Lt is getting mad at me. Now what do we do if they wont come out he asks? I say we get them to come out, so the Lt comes up with the bright idae to just walk away making them think we left like thats going to work:dumb: After sitting in the bushes for over three hours I say I bet I can get them out of there, the Lt asks how do you think your going to do that? I say just sit here and watch the fun Lt. I get my pack pull out 100ft of detcord and 3ft of time fuse. I walk over to the tank climb ontop and wrap the detcord around the turrent three times cut the rest off and put it back in my pack, I take the time fuse tie it to the detcord and knock on the top of the tank. I hear them yelling all kinds of names at me from inside till I hold the end of the time fuse and a match up next to the view scope and say your coming out one way or the other. I light the time fuze and yell you have about 2 minutes till it goes off the clock is ticking its your move and I jump off the side of the tank and walk away. I take a seat about 30ft away from the tank and watch the fun. I can hearing them yelling at me saying all kinds of nice things about my dear old mom and so on. Will they call my bluff so to speak and dont come out like they should have. The time fuse gets to the detcord and whoomp a real nice smoke ring comes the top of the tank, about 10 seconds they come out with blood coming from there noses and ears and looking all beat up. The cussion from the detcord went into the tank and busted there eardrums. To make a real long story short I guess I only need 2 wraps and not 3:) But they did come out and yes I did get in trouble for it. I had to repaint there tank and write 4 letters saying I'm sorry and I wont do it again.


P.S. lets hear some stories from the rests of you now.
I have nothing nearly as colorful as that, but here goes....

As a midshipman we had Summer "cruises" to familiarize us with the service we were about to embark on. No real hardship mind you. During what is called CORTRAMID, they give you a week long visit with all of the Navy's components (air, surface, sub-surface, and Marines). During Marine week, they let us do all kinds of cool things like storm the beaches, repel from things, shoot their weapons, etc. It was during one of these live fire exercises that my story took place.

The firing range that we were using was basically a huge sand dune (two stories tall or more). On our side were the weapons; on the other side was the enlisted beach. Keep in mind these "cruises" were Summer "cruises (you smart fellows probably know where this is going...)

They had an array of weapons laid out for us to play with. They had some M-16s, M-14s, SAW (squad automatic weapons), and a couple of M-60s set up on tri-pods in a machine gun nest. We all got to take a turn with these weapons.

One of my fellow middies was taking his turn in the M-60 pit. He was cranking away at the targets...tracers going down range relentlessly. He was having a blast and decided to let us all know it by turning to us (while he was still holding the trigger in full auto) and giving us a thmbs up and a ish eating grin.

As he was letting the rest of us know how much fun he was having, the tracers started marching up the dune until two tracers actually cleared the dune. At that point the range officers (Master Gunnery Seargants x 2) started screaming for a cease fire and the pit watch grabbed the middie to signal a stoppage.

The debriefing was thorough and less than polite...the actual Marines were a little p.o'd to say the least. Why? For those that don't know...a tracer is placed every fifth round in the chain. That means the happy middie sent upwards of 10 rounds over the barrier and somewhere onto the enlisted beach. Luckily no one was hurt.