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- 16,271
- Reaction score
- 4,339
- Points
- 1,830
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- Lexington, KY, USA
- RC Driving Style
- Bashing
Welcome to the RCTalk For Sale/Trade forum. Below you will find some very simple guidelines and rules that everyone should know and follow before posting.
Read it, learn it, live it...
For Sale/Trade Forum Rules:
Buy/Sell/Trade here on RCTalk at your own risk. Always get complete contact information before anything is shipped.
RCTalk assumes no responsibility for any part of any transaction here. Use common sense. Please take precautions if you ever send first. If a deal sounds too good to be true, if the other party is rushing you, or if the other member is new or has little feedback, use a 3rd party or just don't do the deal. Never send money or product before a deal is agreed to by both sides and full contact information is exchanged and verified. Do not rely on PM's, save all contact info. If the other party is unwilling to share contact information then don't deal with them. Make sure the final deal is posted in public and both sides have agreed to the deal in public.
NEVER is it acceptable for a seller to request payment through PayPal as a "gift". This is against PayPal rules, our rules, and leaves the buyer zero recourse to try and reclaim their money if the deal goes south. This is a fundamental step to protecting your purchase.
Money Orders do not offer any protection, and are a poor way to trade online. Money orders are also easily and frequently forged. Be wary of deals where they are the "only" option for payment. The same is true for Western Union or any of the other instant cash transfer services.
Forum Courtesy:
RCTalk has taken a number of steps to help prevent members of RCT from being a victim of scammers. However the a large deal of this protection still lays within the member themself, you. Below you will find some guidelines to follow to help reduce your chance of being ripped off.
Shipping Information:
APO/FPO (Military Shipping):
APO=Army Post Office & FPO=Fleet Post Office
DHL/UPS/FedEx do not deliver to APO/FPO addresses. The USPS delivers to APO/FPO addresses and charges according to the following: APO/FPO AA (Americas) charge is to Miami, APO/FPO AP (Pacific) charge is to San Francisco, APO/FPO AE (Europe) charge is to New York. At the respective locations (Miami, SF, NY) the mail is handed off to the military for delivery.
Please Note: If surface mail (Parcel Post)to the APO/FPO is used, delivery times can take as long as 6 to 8 weeks.
Priority mail to the APO/FPO, on the other hand takes approx 10 days and Express Mail can take from 3 -10 days for delivery.
SHIPPING INSURANCE: Shipping Insurance is recommended on ALL packages. Although the chance of something getting lost or damaged is small, if the package doesn't arrive at the Buyers location in one piece or never arrives at all, the responsibility is on the Seller to rectify the situation; therefore, it is recommended to ALWAYS get insurance on any package you ship. Premium Shipping Companies such as UPS, Fedex & DHL provide $100 in shipping insurance for free included with every package, but higher insurance amounts may be purchased for minimal cost. USPS does not include shipping insurance for free (except for Express Mail - $100), so it may be purchased at a small additional cost as well.
TRACKING: UPS, FedEx & DHL all provide 'real time' tracking that shows when the package was picked up, where it currently is, the estimated delivery date, when it is out for delivery, and where and when it was delivered. USPS on the other hand only provides Delivery Confirmation, a significantly more primitive tracking system. Delivery Confirmation typically only shows when the package was dropped off, and when it was delivered; however, this information only updates the night of either event, and in many cases never updates at all. Despite the downsides, if you ship USPS Delivery Confirmation is definitely a recommended service to show the item was delivered to the buyer, but its usefulness and accuracy is limited so please keep that in mind.
SHIPPING SUPPLIES: Most shipping supplies (standard size boxes, tape, bubble wrap & peanuts) can be purchased at local Office Supply stores (typically expensive - but consider trading in empty ink cartridges to save money), as well as Wal-Mart & Target, which tend to be a bit cheaper. Irregular size or Specific Size boxes can be purchased at Shipping Stores such as The Ups Store or Pak Mail, but they tend to run a few dollars more. Also, there are a few places online to purchase shipping supplies, such as uLine.com or PaperMart.com. In addition, if you print your postage online, consider bulk blank shipping labels from a reputable seller on eBay.com (just search for 'Half Sheet Shipping Label'). Supplies can also be purchased directly from the Shipping Company themselves, but selection is typically limited.
PROPER PACKAGING: Everyone develops their own techniques for safe and secure shipping over time, but the general rule is to allow for at least 2-3 inches of space on all sides between the item and the box. Failure to properly package can result in denial of shipping insurance claims, and one very annoyed buyer, so please take care in your packaging methods. For higher cost and sensitive items, double boxing is the best precaution. Place the item in a box that allows for 2-3" of protection then place that box in a larger one that allows for an additional 2-3" of protection.
Filler: Packing Peanuts are the filler of choice due to their low weight and efficiency in absorbing shocks, they also do an excellent job keeping the item from bouncing around in the shipping box. Crunched up Newspaper does a decent job for light items as well, however make sure to use an ample supply as the newspaper can compress easily. Air packages can be useful as well, but as with the newspaper, make sure to use an ample supply. Confetti/Shredding can be used as well, but I typically don't recommend them in most situations due to the amount needed for a secure fit and the added weight such an amount adds.
Item Protection: It is usually a good idea to place items in a bag then wrap them in bubble wrap. Package any other loose items in Bubble Wrap before sealing them into the shipping box. This is not always necessary if you item is enclosed in its original factory box, but it can't hurt and adds very little weight. Also, it is a good idea to package any small additional items in a ziplock plastic bag and tape them to the item itself, to keep the small items from getting lost in the shipping box. DO NOT put peanuts around loose items unless they are properly protected. It's aggravating to pick peanut particles out of your newly arrived gear.
Tape: Make sure to use a Packaging/Shipping Strength Tape to seal your box. I prefer Brand Name Tape such as Scotch Shipping Tape over store name brands as they tend be easier to peel away from the roll when they get stuck. If you are reusing a box, make sure to retape over any existing tape as the tape may have lost some of its sticking power over time.
Read it, learn it, live it...
For Sale/Trade Forum Rules:
Buy/Sell/Trade here on RCTalk at your own risk. Always get complete contact information before anything is shipped.
RCTalk assumes no responsibility for any part of any transaction here. Use common sense. Please take precautions if you ever send first. If a deal sounds too good to be true, if the other party is rushing you, or if the other member is new or has little feedback, use a 3rd party or just don't do the deal. Never send money or product before a deal is agreed to by both sides and full contact information is exchanged and verified. Do not rely on PM's, save all contact info. If the other party is unwilling to share contact information then don't deal with them. Make sure the final deal is posted in public and both sides have agreed to the deal in public.
- You MUST have a minimum of 50 posts before you can post items for sale AND must be a member in good standing for a minimum of 3 months. OR become a RCT Supporting Member for instant access.
- You MUST post a price for ALL FS deals and FS/FT deals.
- ''TRADE'' only thread/item(s) do not require an asking price as it's not being offered as ''For Sale".
- Although it is not required, it is strongly suggested that For Sale threads include a photograph of the actual item(s) for sale as well as a note with your RCTalk.com name and the date.
- Do not post items For Sale/Trade to something you do not have in your immediate possession.
- Consolidate your FS/T threads when at all possible. We request that you have no more than one (1) active thread at any given time.
- No multi-level marketing schemes.
- No auction style posts (take it to eBay).
- No dealers or vendors of any kind.
- No excessive bumping of your own thread. No more than once every 4 hours.
- No "contest or giveaway" threads.
- No alcohol, tobacco, firearm, or any weapons sales.
- No Pornographic (XXX) items.
- No bootlegged software sales. Anyone who knowingly buys or sells bootlegged (Warez) software through this forum will be permanently banned.
- No spamming or flaming in threads.
- Deals are made solely between members and are not the responsibility of RCTalk.com even if they result in no payment, not receiving items, or any other negative outcome.
- Any proven unsuccessful sales will result in full RCTalk.com ban for the offending member if the victim requests it and provides proof of such. Sellers are fully responsible for their sales, including items they sell for friends, family, etc. If a member feels that they have been ripped off or has an Trader Rating issue, they should PM WoodiE or any member of the RCT Staff with details.
NEVER is it acceptable for a seller to request payment through PayPal as a "gift". This is against PayPal rules, our rules, and leaves the buyer zero recourse to try and reclaim their money if the deal goes south. This is a fundamental step to protecting your purchase.
Money Orders do not offer any protection, and are a poor way to trade online. Money orders are also easily and frequently forged. Be wary of deals where they are the "only" option for payment. The same is true for Western Union or any of the other instant cash transfer services.
Forum Courtesy:
- Thread crapping will not be tolerated. If you are not interested in buying or selling, or you have nothing positive to say, STAY OUT OF THE THREAD! If you think the asking price is too high, or you want to make a lowball offer, contact the seller via email or PM.
- Provide a detailed description of the item you are listing.
- Include a picture when ever possible.
- Please use the SEARCH feature.
- Please handle all transactions with common sense.
- Please update your threads when you have sold your items or found what you wanted.
- Please avoid flaming or useless, bandwidth wasting posts.
- Leave feedback in the Trader Feedback Forum - Please leave feedback about the member as soon as the deal is finished.
RCTalk has taken a number of steps to help prevent members of RCT from being a victim of scammers. However the a large deal of this protection still lays within the member themself, you. Below you will find some guidelines to follow to help reduce your chance of being ripped off.
- If a deal sounds to good to be true... it is!
- ALWAYS ship with a tracking number. USPS is NOT a tracking number, but a delivery confirmation. My recommendation is anything over $100 should be shipped via UPS, DHL or FedEx. All three companies offer detailed tracking and delivery information.
- Always ship an item with the proper amount of insurance.
- Always ask for a real name and home address, especially when trading with somebody who is unknown or has no RCT Feedback.
- Always have the other party ship first a if the trader is unknown or has no RCT Feedback.
- Please use common sense when trading.
- If said trader does not respond in two working days, email again. Be patient.
- Please do not jump to conclusions until a reasonable amount of time has passed. Two weeks with no response is a sure bet that something is wrong.
- Do not make decisions while you are upset. Only post or email us after you have calmed down. This is most important. Making decisions while enraged will not help your cause; it can only hurt it.
- Do not post derogatory remarks about said trader. Instead, post your situation in a calm and friendly manner. Flaming will only raise tempers, hurting your chance of getting your goods or money back.
- Ask if anyone else has had trouble with said trader. It is always good to know as much as possible when trading with someone, especially if you think you got ripped by that person.
- If said trader does not rectify situation, and action is required, post a negative feedback for said trader.
- If said trader does not rectify situation, and action is required, we will post a thread stating "Do not trade with this person." If said trader straightens out the mess he/she has created, and everyone who is involved is satisfied, we will delete and/or retract the statement.
- Post Trader Feedback for your deals, especially if requested to do so by the other trader. If you were treated well, a good evaluation is part of the deal, and the trader has earned it. If you were not treated well, other traders need to know what went wrong.
- Be nice and courteous, Nobody likes to be spoken to in a rude manner.
- Internet Crime Complaint Center Works along with the FBI, National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).
- USPS Mail Complaint Department
- Better Business Bureau
- National Fraud Information Center
- State Attorney General Office Highy Recommend
- WebAssured.com
Shipping Information:
APO/FPO (Military Shipping):
APO=Army Post Office & FPO=Fleet Post Office
DHL/UPS/FedEx do not deliver to APO/FPO addresses. The USPS delivers to APO/FPO addresses and charges according to the following: APO/FPO AA (Americas) charge is to Miami, APO/FPO AP (Pacific) charge is to San Francisco, APO/FPO AE (Europe) charge is to New York. At the respective locations (Miami, SF, NY) the mail is handed off to the military for delivery.
Please Note: If surface mail (Parcel Post)to the APO/FPO is used, delivery times can take as long as 6 to 8 weeks.
Priority mail to the APO/FPO, on the other hand takes approx 10 days and Express Mail can take from 3 -10 days for delivery.
SHIPPING INSURANCE: Shipping Insurance is recommended on ALL packages. Although the chance of something getting lost or damaged is small, if the package doesn't arrive at the Buyers location in one piece or never arrives at all, the responsibility is on the Seller to rectify the situation; therefore, it is recommended to ALWAYS get insurance on any package you ship. Premium Shipping Companies such as UPS, Fedex & DHL provide $100 in shipping insurance for free included with every package, but higher insurance amounts may be purchased for minimal cost. USPS does not include shipping insurance for free (except for Express Mail - $100), so it may be purchased at a small additional cost as well.
TRACKING: UPS, FedEx & DHL all provide 'real time' tracking that shows when the package was picked up, where it currently is, the estimated delivery date, when it is out for delivery, and where and when it was delivered. USPS on the other hand only provides Delivery Confirmation, a significantly more primitive tracking system. Delivery Confirmation typically only shows when the package was dropped off, and when it was delivered; however, this information only updates the night of either event, and in many cases never updates at all. Despite the downsides, if you ship USPS Delivery Confirmation is definitely a recommended service to show the item was delivered to the buyer, but its usefulness and accuracy is limited so please keep that in mind.
SHIPPING SUPPLIES: Most shipping supplies (standard size boxes, tape, bubble wrap & peanuts) can be purchased at local Office Supply stores (typically expensive - but consider trading in empty ink cartridges to save money), as well as Wal-Mart & Target, which tend to be a bit cheaper. Irregular size or Specific Size boxes can be purchased at Shipping Stores such as The Ups Store or Pak Mail, but they tend to run a few dollars more. Also, there are a few places online to purchase shipping supplies, such as uLine.com or PaperMart.com. In addition, if you print your postage online, consider bulk blank shipping labels from a reputable seller on eBay.com (just search for 'Half Sheet Shipping Label'). Supplies can also be purchased directly from the Shipping Company themselves, but selection is typically limited.
PROPER PACKAGING: Everyone develops their own techniques for safe and secure shipping over time, but the general rule is to allow for at least 2-3 inches of space on all sides between the item and the box. Failure to properly package can result in denial of shipping insurance claims, and one very annoyed buyer, so please take care in your packaging methods. For higher cost and sensitive items, double boxing is the best precaution. Place the item in a box that allows for 2-3" of protection then place that box in a larger one that allows for an additional 2-3" of protection.
Filler: Packing Peanuts are the filler of choice due to their low weight and efficiency in absorbing shocks, they also do an excellent job keeping the item from bouncing around in the shipping box. Crunched up Newspaper does a decent job for light items as well, however make sure to use an ample supply as the newspaper can compress easily. Air packages can be useful as well, but as with the newspaper, make sure to use an ample supply. Confetti/Shredding can be used as well, but I typically don't recommend them in most situations due to the amount needed for a secure fit and the added weight such an amount adds.
Item Protection: It is usually a good idea to place items in a bag then wrap them in bubble wrap. Package any other loose items in Bubble Wrap before sealing them into the shipping box. This is not always necessary if you item is enclosed in its original factory box, but it can't hurt and adds very little weight. Also, it is a good idea to package any small additional items in a ziplock plastic bag and tape them to the item itself, to keep the small items from getting lost in the shipping box. DO NOT put peanuts around loose items unless they are properly protected. It's aggravating to pick peanut particles out of your newly arrived gear.
Tape: Make sure to use a Packaging/Shipping Strength Tape to seal your box. I prefer Brand Name Tape such as Scotch Shipping Tape over store name brands as they tend be easier to peel away from the roll when they get stuck. If you are reusing a box, make sure to retape over any existing tape as the tape may have lost some of its sticking power over time.