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  1. C

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    We're going on a family trip for 6 days starting on Tuesday. We'll probably return sometime on Monday. I'm probably gonna miss the races unfortunately.
  2. C

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    You guys are right. Screw bad times, I'm racing :D Just finished the race at Oslo and my best time was 25.6ish. The very last lap was going PERFECT until the VERY end when I ran into some grass and that brought up the lap time to 30 secs... lol Scratch that, I downloaded a new setup (thanks...
  3. C

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    Well to be honest the times I'm pulling in practice Suck so I think I'm gonna practice another week before racing.
  4. C

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    OK I got the VRC adapter (thanks NitroNewb) and I installed VRC on my PC. I go to do some offline practice and it will only let me use one track! How the heck am I supposed to practice for the races if it won't let me use the tracks? :\ And when I went to download them from the website it says I...
  5. C

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    LOL Charlie :LoL: I recieved the copy of VRC in the mail today (damn that was fast). Thanks WoodiE! I'll get on there and practice a bit with the keyboard until I get that USB adapter... then I'll plug in the remote and start REALLY working it! =devil
  6. C

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    Sucks that I probably won't be able to actually join the races for about 2 weeks or so. We're going to California for a week to visit my grandparents. Not only that, but I have to practice. Probably work on my setups too.
  7. C

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    Wow. Just wow. You guys here on RCNT have done so much for me. I mean, not even thinking about all the help you guys have given me on the forum, I've also had several members help me out personally. They've given me things, without me even asking, that I appreciate very much. With that, I...
  8. C

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    You would not believe how badly I suck at this game using the keyboard... lol I can't even go one lap on the oval track without hitting the wall. I'll practice a bit and get back to you guys. Also, I joined the VRCNT club Lessen. Just wanted to let you know. I also just called my LHS and...
  9. C

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    Just wanted to let you guys know that we are going on a trip for about a week to see grandparents after school is out. After that I'll get on VRC and kick some butt!
  10. C

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    You know what ticks me off? I went to install this on my computer and it doesn't meet the system reqs. I guess I'll have to use the laptop then. (Vista, eww)
  11. C

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    LMAO!!! I might have to practice for a while... but yeah I can do it. I certainly got the skills for it. Nearly 100 words per minute and about 5 errors per 100. Yeah I'm a little nerd... So when using the keyboard on VRC, does it involve alot of key hitting, or do you just hold the buttons down?
  12. C

    RCTalk VRC Race Club (VRCT)

    Yeah you hit it on the head man... If I could get in there I'd be on in a heartbeat! I would have bought it but I just don't have the cash. I'm eager to get on there if I can get the software. Who knows, I may just be a challenge for Lil Andretti :D