Looking to connect with fellow RC enthusiasts? Whether you're just getting started or a seasoned pro, RC Talk is the perfect RC forum place to explore, learn, and share everything about RC cars, trucks, drones, and more!
RCTalk.com is dedicated to being a professional, drama-free, friendly, and helpful online community, which includes the forums, chat, blogs, and all other RCTalk.com features. The purpose of this project is to provide ways to maintain a professional atmosphere, to clarify sections of the Forum Rules and Terms of Service to further the idea of professionalism, and to provide a unified resource on the topic.
Treatment of members and the staff
At all times, everyone who uses the site is expected to treat other users of the site with courtesy and respect. This applies to members and Staff alike. At no time will rude behavior be accepted, and unacceptable behavior will be met with warnings, infractions, or bans, depending on the severity and frequency of the behavior.
Communication between members and the staff
Members should feel free to communicate with the staff whenever the need arises. Contacting the appropriate member of the staff in the appropriate manner will help to ensure a timely, appropriate reply.
All communication with the staff should be courteous and respectful, and such communications will be returned in kind. At no time will a member be penalized for asking questions of the staff or expressing concerns so long as it is done professionally. The staff will do their best to answer questions and address concerns in a timely, thorough manner.
The most appropriate ways to contact the staff in given situations are as follows:
Private Message system
The private message (PM) systems provides a convenient way for members to communicate with each other and with the staff. Members should not seek help via PMs but rather in the open forums where the answers could benefit other members. PMs are governed by the TOS. Activities such as spamming, recruiting, or harassing are not permitted, and such PMs should be reported to the staff.
Profanity has no place in a professional environment and is not tolerated on the site. The use of acronyms, abbreviations, and symbols is treated the same as using the actual words. The use of profanity will result in warnings and infractions.
The TOS calls for signatures to not exceed 4 lines nor use text larger than size 5. Each and every line of a signature counts toward the 4 line maximum including spaces, quote tags, etc. Size 4 text should be used only sparingly, and in most cases, size 3 and 4 text are most appropriate.
The TOS also prohibits the use of external links in signature. "External" refers to sites other than RCNitroTalk.com. This policy is consistent with other larger forums. Links to other sites are not permitted.
Thread titles
The TOS calls for thread titles to be descriptive. This is both to benefit the original poster as well as others who are looking for info on similar topics. To keep things looking professional, thread titles should follow certain guidelines. Below are some tips for composing appropriate thread titles:
Spelling, grammar, capitalization
In order to effectively communicate, a minimum standard of spelling, grammar, and capitalization must be upheld. Threads that are so poorly written that it is difficult or impossible to decipher will receive warnings or infractions. Warnings/infractions will NOT be given for a random typo or a misused comma. The purpose of this is to ensure all posts easily communicate their point; we're not trying to force everyone to be polished writers. Posts that are well written tend to get better results, though, so it is to everyone's benefit to put some time an effort into this.
Responding to spam
Please do not respond to spam threads or posts as that only serves to draw more attention to the spam. Instead, use the report bad post feature that is described above to alert the staff to the spam.
Sticky threads
To keep the appearance of individual forums clean, sticky threads will be used sparingly and at the discretion of the Staff Members. Forums that have numerous quality resources will have a comprehensive list of resource threads. These threads will be titled
Drama, bashing, etc.
In order to maintain a professional, friendly atmosphere, at no time will drama, bashing, or other such activities be acceptable. Posts and threads falling under this category should be reported, and the posters will receive warnings or infractions. Keep things constructive and polite, and things will run very smoothly. "White" text is not allowed.